Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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To Be Resumed A madman's Game

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Lord of Altera
IGN: spagbog
RP: Berrit Downfellow
Reason: For being... Too... Small? Too nice? Erm... Can't think of any other crimes.

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Likewise, I'll happily go again if the slots are not filled. Otherwise, stick my name on the reserve list. :p
No, I do not approve of Faelin attending again unless she has taken at least 2 deep breaths first..
Edit: See? Eminu seems to agree in the form of a like :p


We demons of our solemn hour
*brainstorming with myself atm because my coworkers are either wake or busy*
I know I need to edit the dungeon heavily. . But what to do


Official Alteran
*explodes because reelru is there insted of Alicia*
Application.. right..
Character name: Alicia
Reason to join: Missed the first one
What could your character be punished for: theivery, being mean, pickpocketing..

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
U skype talk... michy no help think
*begins to decode sentence*
Just.. give me a sec..
You mean, do I talk on skype? And if I do, it doesn't help you think.. or.. it does... or somehow michcat's involved... or michcat doesn't help you think.. ... ....... Ugh..


Loyal Servant of Altera
Character name: Dratoz Clawheart/Dratoz
Reason to join:It sounds cooooool!
What could your character be punished for:Multiple attempted homicides, he joined Harmaa, freed a prisoner at the same time trapping a Inquisitor in a prison cell :D and is a Greyling :p
I thought I was supposed to be in round 2, and when is it?
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