Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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I need your help!


Lord of Altera
note: typed with iPod, may contain spelling mistakes.

EDIT: Application is found here, a lot of the RP part I made up and the sketched can be found here:
Fellow Alterans,

I would normally not ask for help like this but this is a different matter than usual.

I am planning to start a town and i am doing my best to gather money and materials to do so. However, I could use your help.
To awaken your interest, I shall describe what I am planning to do

The idea is digging a lake which sits on one of the lowest layers of Altera and build a gigantic tower upon this lake. This tower is only the entrancw to town. on the top of the tower, there will be floating paths to the various buildings associated to the town.these buildings will stand on 'clouds' made of white wool.
This is only the basic idea, I have manymore little ideas which go well with the town but they are not important now

This town could be a mystical town and of high rp value, it will look like a majestic town, like one in ancient myths.

Now where do I need your help for?
If you think this could become a great town, and you would like to contribute, maybe you could support me with radiants or materials (especially wool). perjaps you like the idea so much you would like to be the future mayors assistant? I will post sketches later but I must warn you that my drawing is not that great.

I hope I have awakened your interest and please let me know if you wish to contribute,


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
I think you will need to make a special building request for this, we dont generally allow floating builds


<3 Hollow World
A build like that will need special build permission Sokkenpop, floating paths, floating towers etc

Tome of Citizenship, Chapter 2:
6. Keep buildings suitable to the time period of Hollow World, they must be structurally sound, no floating towers etc without express permission from a King/Queen for RP purposes. If you really want to build one apply for permission but remember you'll have to back it up with a good story!
Tome of Citizenship, Chapter 3, The King's Law:
18. Building Construction using Wool as supports or Roofing are frowned upon. Wool should only be used for 'carpets' or 'tapestries'. You may use brown and black wool in your builds as walls as long as they look medieval and fit the theme of the server and town. Solid wool builds are still not allowed!


Lord of Altera
I have already read that, yes.

I'm currently at the university, so I was planning to apply for that as soon as i get home


Lord of Altera
Already have a grand story in mind, just not conventional to type with an iPod. but how do you like the idwa do far?


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
So far you havnt given much to work on, so ill hold judgement to your app


<3 Hollow World
In principle I'm against floating structures unless they're tied tightly into the lore, especially forces of exceptional power such as Queen Grief / Cherbert or the Gods of Altera. I'm utterly against inventing "other mystical things" which give rise so such structures, we have a lore and we should build on it. So far, in I'm completely honest it's got a lot less merit than other applications for floating structures which have been turned down in the past. Fortress Naught is a good example of a floating structure, but it has been very carefully woven so that it doesn't trample any lore and is directly related to Queen Grief.


The Anime loving Brony
Sound's good, and familiar :(
I hope you get permission for it, 'cause I'd love to see Some kind of floating town. *sigh*


Lord of Altera
Lore got approved, Tower got approved, but still need to find some way to make the clouds look great. I guess after some time and effort it'll work out.

Are there people interested in helping me build/supply/get the money together etc?


<3 Hollow World
Sokken as it's been approved with both Ikbenlars and me liking what's proposed I think you should get a few bonus plots to start with, this could add a nice little dimension to Altera.

If you look for a spot we'll sort you out with something, you did go through the fairly strict special build permissions route after all :p


Well, I miss floating islands for long time since skyland world was off


Lord of Altera
Yay, 20% of funds gained. Still working hard, getting a few small donations here and there, thanks all for the support.


Loyal Servant of Altera
I really like the idea but as im quite new to the server i only have 500 radiants. But i will try and support this project anyway!


Hollows Explorer
would the snow melt with glowstone or torches though? i have never used "snow" in minecraft, just the top layer over grass.


Hollows Explorer
haha yeah! snow would be awesome, because some texture packs have wool with dumb designs and outlines and stuff :p