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I need your help!


<3 Hollow World
Sheets of snow which has been spawned on the ground through admins or snowfall does melt near torches, not sure about snow blocks though! This requires testing!


King ForumStalker
Snow blocks dont, i remember back in dustwood i had a shop made of snow, the ice melted with torches and glowstone but the shop didn't.


haha yeah! snow would be awesome, because some texture packs have wool with dumb designs and outlines and stuff :p
In my opinion it's the fault of the user using that texture pack if it looks horrible.

I think snowblocks would be a good option. They don't melt.


Lord of Altera
never thought about that one, but fellas, how do I get snow, the snow biomes are.. well.. disabled globally..


Not disabled, just not available in 1.8
1.9 will have plenty of snow.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Yeah lars:
Fixing wool is going to be intense, so im thinkin ill just copy deffault and enlarge it, then touch it up.
And for smooth stone:
Im really not sure how to go about this. Any changes i make will also have to be made to ores and im not even really sure what to make it look like.


Hollows Explorer
Yeah lars:
Fixing wool is going to be intense, so im thinkin ill just copy deffault and enlarge it, then touch it up.
And for smooth stone:
Im really not sure how to go about this. Any changes i make will also have to be made to ores and im not even really sure what to make it look like.
not saying you should take what i say into consideration,
but in my opinion, wool shouldn't be completely flat and pastel, but shouldn't really look like wool. haha.
and whatever works with smoothstone works for me. although i am a fan of it being "smooth" it shouldn't be straight either.


Lord of Altera
Well, lets get this conversation back to the town, I made a conversation about the Town, for all interested in preparing for the town before 1.9 comes out, please let me or Darth_eden know, well add you :D

funfact: 35% of funds gained today, yay


<3 Hollow World
You were granted special build permission, I think it's only fair we cover the cost of founding the town as it'll add something to the server. Rather than returning the donations though you could use that to expand the town. I'll contact one of you next time I see you in game.


Lord of Altera
im not actually returning the donations. I thought Knight rank was needed in order to acquire a town?

and, sure we dont have snow anywhere? i saw a thread about some snow town, with screenshots including snow :O


<3 Hollow World
Skara Brae is surrounded by snow, it's easy to spawn but looks awful (as it's spawns in circles).


Lord of Altera
not to be impolite my friend, but so are loads of people, there will be more towns than people if this continues..