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~Nakam - Questions & Answers~

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Lord of Altera
Nakam sign language? I mean someone has to have been deaf at some point and have made something to the like.
While I don't doubt that the deaf have come up with their own means of communication, a standardized sign language seems a bit too complex to be widely spread within the native culture.
Verbali may have a few scholars aware of such a language, though I wouldn't consider it common knowledge.


Lord of Altera
Do Nakam have beards?
They don't have excess hair trimmings that wouldn't exist outside average feline hair patterns.
The most "fur flare" they'd possibly have is Lynx tip ears.
Lynx Ears Portrait pictures Tuft hair.jpg

That is to say; Nakam do not have beards, moustaches, or human-like "hair" at all. Just an even coat of fur.
Though that doesn't mean that one's individualized fur-pattern can't find a way around this..


Lord of Altera
Ooh, do they use makeup? Stains, to accentuate features, perhaps?
Facial staining may be used in tandem with other stains, whether for spiritual, ritualistic, or aesthetic purposes, though remember that Nakam do not place much importance on the latter of those three.


Alteran Cryptid and Renowned Hat-wearer
Staff member
In-Game Tech Staff
Oooo! I got one!

Are a Nakat's whiskers vital for something or just for show?
*Totally not asking because he has just recently ripped out all a Nakat's whiskers*


Lord of Altera
Is a nakat born and raised to be educated enough to be able to read comfortably, or do they have to be taught by an outsider?
Methinks dis was already answered, but I just might be confused...
"While most native are illiterate to common tongue written language, most Nakam are able to read in their own language, as it serves as an important bond between villages in organizing travel through the use of signs along established roadways." - Nakam Writing section~

I didn't establish whether Verbali is aware of common written, and I must say that, given that up to 89% of their city-wide income is trade and tourism (through the city, not the island, as island visitation is difficult to obtain), that yes, most Verbali are literate and brought up to be, as to have a secondary means to converse with others.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
I didn't establish whether Verbali is aware of common written, and I must say that, given that up to 89% of their city-wide income is trade and tourism (through the city, not the island, as island visitation is difficult to obtain), that yes, most Verbali are literate and brought up to be, as to have a secondary means to converse with others.
More things to add to the middle of the lore page whooo~
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