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Moving Towns Over

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Lord of Westray
Town Name: Currently Timbervale & Crestshire, new region name is secret!
Mayors: Boulderpaul & Mairinbaihn
Plots: 383 for Timbervale + 158 for Crestshire = 541 claimed plots
Population: Unknown... those Rangers are sneaky so can never be sure! ;)
New World Coordinates: 4600,6000 or 6400,6400 ish
Other: Note: I will be claiming a vast area covering as much of the rivers, forests, mountain ranges and lakes as we can afford in one of these areas. Still need to discuss with other parties so coordinates are subject to change ;)


Lord of Altera
Town Name: Moonlight Mayors: DraconDarknight
Plots: 68
Population: unknown; I guess 5ish though
New World Coordinates: X 1131; Z1688 ish(Hollowwmap) (Yes the waterfall :p area)
Ingame Coords(they differ for some reason): X1080; Z 1732 - The Ice waterfall
Other:I plan on claiming the entire waterfall area and around there; And no, I won't screw it up :) . In fact I'm planning something awesome ;).

Town Name: Frostguard
Mayors: DraconDarknight
Plots: 51
Population: unknown; Will be the region's castle;
New World Coordinates: Same as above
Other:I plan on claiming the entire waterfall area and around there; And no, I won't screw it up :) . In fact I'm planning something awesome ;).

i'd like to be there when the region gets transplanted drawing atm :)


Lord of Altera
Town Name: Ascendia
Mayors: SobekRa, Creeperhunterpb
Plots: 107 claimed plots, currently 13 unclaimed
Population: 11
New World Coordinates: X = 8400 Z= 5418
Other: The storage room under the tower is /very/ deep, going around 40 blocks down.


The Undying Scholar.
Retired Staff
Not posting all the locations but if you see cyan wool rings anywhere then no touchy. Tis reserved for server builds.


Burner of Worlds
I have updated the world map with claimed coordinates from this thread plus a few server ones. I'll add any new ones but because its a manual process make sure you let me know if you change coords so I can update the map. Either put a new post her or pm me.

Click on the signs button at top right of Altera map and choose Claims:


Loyal Servant of Altera
Town Name: Elumeril Island

Mayors: Missplums/Nini

Plots: 120

Population: 20-30

New World Coordinates: 5982 / 6400 (Around about This area)

Other: The Village, the main manor and now the underground sanctuary are all quite distant from each other, But we've put together a plan in places they can go separately in the plots stated if it's not too much trouble.


Lord of Altera
Fyi guys post hwMap coords AND MC coords they can differ a lot. Map coords and MC coords are thus NOT identical


Carpet Monkey
Town Name: Islay
Mayors: Menelmacil
Plots: 58 claimed plots, 0 unclaimed
Population: 5-10
New World Coordinates: X = 9062 Z= 5729 (map coords)
Other: I know the location is in the ocean. As Sally already confirmed possible, i want my whole island moved over as there are no Islands that fit either the style nor the special builds (fortress on a mountaintop while village in a valley and undergroundfarms close to sealevel)
Terraforming it into one of the other Islands would be realy hard and most likely not satisfying (for me :p )
if it is too close to the newbie Island i could be either moved closer to those 4 little islands or further into the bay, as long as there remains a decent distance to the coast :p


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
They are identical, but the isometric view makes them somewhat dependant on the height of the land.


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
House Arcturus doesn't seem to want any cities ported over (As of yet) BUT we want some co-ords claimed. These are roughly the areas we want, and it seems nobody has claimed them yet. The first two are important.
8152, 8130 (New Harlaus) This should be on the waterfall.
7687, 7837 (Helios) This should be on the river, roughly where there is a little island.

These two aren't as important, they haven't been finalized yet.
9335, 7181 (An outpost, we've not yet decided on this one)
6754, 6712 (I think I got this one wrong, hard to see from the drawn-map)

Is this possible? To claim a region without moving the town?


Burner of Worlds
I added the first 3 Arcturus locations as markers on the map. Will add fourth when you decide whether it is correct or not


King's Hand
Ok, here comes the first bunch of Lonmar regions.

Town Name: Ulrych's_Motte
Mayors: Tomahawk777
Plots: 77
Population: 10
New World Coordinates: x: 13033 ; z: 4405
Other: Nope, pretty easy job

Town Name: Sargoth
Mayors: Tomahawk777
Plots: 15
Population: 9
New World Coordinates: x: 13033; 4405 (same as Ulrych's Motte)
Other: Nothing special

Town Name: Windvale_Valley
Mayors: Dracoboy2
Plots: 30
Population: 16
New World Coordinates: x: 14159; z: 2864
Other: Tricky because its a structure hanging under a mountain cliff, need a pro for it ;)

Town Name: Frostwood
Mayors: FrostGuardian
Plots: Can't say, there is no port to it, but I will give it later.
Population: 4
New World Coordinates: x: 14159; z: 2864
Other: Basically a big wall which should stand between the mountain and the icey lake

Town Name: Frostwind_Rock
Mayors: Dracoboy2
Plots: 118
Population: 4
New World Coordinates: x: 14911; z: 1877
Other: Castle in the Sea, easy job

Town Name: Whiterock_Castle
Mayors: Tomahawk777
Plots: 31
Population: 8
New World Coordinates: x: 15054; z: 4092
Other: Castle in the Sea, easy job

Town Name: Eisenfaust
Mayors: Tomahawk777
Plots: 84
Population: 12
New World Coordinates: x: 13163; z:3483
Other: Castle in the plains, easy job



Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
Where can you find these markers? (il delete this psot when awnsered)
On the map, top-right "Signs" button and then claims.

Also Rau, I've asked Gold, though I don't think he is online, so it might be a while.
Also edit (I told you they were rough), Arcturus Outpost is supposed to be X:8950 Z:8550 apparently. Seemingly there is a waterfall there....
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