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Moving Towns Over

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i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Surely we can get a proper desert tribe for once, somebody, anybody!
I will make this desert tribe
... when I don't have so many other things. NakamCrownArdunKavdakamBLAH

My damn original goal was a hermit desert tribe!

gaahhhhhhhh so close yet so far *Tears chunks off face out of sheer frustration*


Lord of House Hawklight
Look Mich, to be perfectly honest, I don't think you're busy enough, so snap to it, and I'll throw one of my alts your way as a tribesman.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Look Mich, to be perfectly honest, I don't think you're busy enough, so snap to it, and I'll throw one of my alts your way as a tribesman.

About 8 convos and 60+ alerts every time I log in, and counting. I'd run myself to dust trying to keep up with everything and I wouldn't have any fun :p

mreh. I'm too attached to what I got going anyhow- I'll wait until current stuff runs its course and keep this as a distant dream of the future..
... As its been...


Lord of House Hawklight
hold on, i'll just bring up my conversations and alerts. *scrolls through the obviously extensive list* well, that's no alerts, and, no conversations, excellent.


The Great Leper
Retired Staff
I will make this desert tribe
... when I don't have so many other things. NakamCrownArdunKavdakamBLAH

My damn original goal was a hermit desert tribe!

gaahhhhhhhh so close yet so far *Tears chunks off face out of sheer frustration*
so Khajiit then


Lord of Altera
Miscommunication :p

What we mean is that Players can't own more than one region. Technically they can be owner, but not THE owner. probably doesn't make sense right now. But everyone was able to make 2 regions each, to discourage inactive towns and hopefully encourage people to stick to one region to take care of it, it's been shoved down to 1.
And what if we already have several regions?


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
so Khajiit then
No, old hermity men who make booze and laugh at the sunrise. The weak are culled as only the strongest may live within their ranks...

EDIT: Me name is misleadin'. I'm really not all that into cats.


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
Am I seriously the only person who adores deserts?

Nope. Most Arcturians were annoyed when Val said he wasn't bringing over Harlaus because "I don't like the flat desert and sandstone" which I personally thought was absolutely beautiful!
Gold, Lapiz and waterfeatures don't have quite the same effect when they aren't in a nice desert-city!


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
Harlaus and Mirage are beautiful!
Especially at night with all the pretty lighting effects.
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