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Plans for a town


Lord of Altera
Image 001.jpg I plan to raise funds for a new town in the snowy section of Altera (also on a mountain). I currently have 40k and hope to make it the ascension heights of the snow world. Any comments, suggestions, ideas or objections?

Above is a proposed location for the town. The town will be named Lycanria City
We will have town ranks and are accepting in-game donations.

We will also hold town RP events and will try to create a link to Skara Brae.

Lore to follow

The Tale of Aliquam Nubila

There was a people who lived in Altera thousands of years ago. The land was covered in snow and all the oceans were covered in ice. This world was where the Nubilans lived, in a pristine white vastness. Lycanria looked over the land alongside Harateth and Shalherana. Urbs Nubilae was the capital of this land.

But then Laets stormed into this wonderful land and brought the Sun with him. The snow and ice melted and with it the Spirit of Lycanria. The snow god struggled to cope and soon shalherana betrayed Lycanria and the beautiful white world was destroyed.

Apart from one small part. Our people have forever tried and even fought to restart the snow era and have worshiped Lycanria ever since. We have fought foes and have hoped that one day Shalherana will allow Lycanria back into Altera once more. The Nubilans worship the snow and have forever sworn to get the land back to the way it was before Laets destroyed it.

Urbs Nubilae was destroyed in a blizzard caused by Laets. One day an explorer named Minecraft_King_ uncovered it and decided to raise this city and annihilate Laets to return the land back to Lycanria.

I have chosen the town name of Urbs Nubilae (thanks legion) - Latin for City of Snow
We will worship Lycanria



<3 Hollow World
Join Skara Brae :p

Seriously we've a lot of towns and many of them are getting quite empty now as people make their own. It's only a matter of time before we start seeing deserted towns being officially abandoned via towny. Think carefully before starting one, ideally you want to have residents lined up and not end up in a tiny town on your own where you miss out on almost all RP on the server.


King ForumStalker
Read the link in my description, it explains it.

Also Valkryia was my town in 1.7, it never really took off though.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Btw your latin isnt declined properly, what you actually said was that "city" was the direct object of a nonexistent verb, and snow is in the nominative.
So really the closest translation would be: "To the city snow" since city names take the vocative as a direct object without a preposition.
If you wanted to say City of Snow "Urbs Nubilae" is your best bet.