Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!


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Dead Man Walking
All you have to do is run far away once and type /sethome. And you are safe for the entirety of this maps existence. Honestly I think the removal of /home would do the name of this map justice.


Legend of Altera
So this is in replacement of the Southern Wilds and the Eastern Frontier considering Grief wrecked them? Awesome!

Edit> Still have no idea how to get to the hollows :(


Dead Man Walking
I just had to coerce Machy out of his chunk to kill him by threatening to take all the land around his claimed chunk. XD a deal is a deal Machy, you are free for now.


Dead Man Walking
oh right x_x /home is supposed to have a delay and be disabled a certain distance away from spawn
*Hails Sally for being a just and fair owner* Now if I can just get her to do something about the massive map size . . hmmm . . .


Need block /home from town of sorrow?

EDITED: never mind its sorted already ;)


Burner of Worlds
Here's a suggestion if you like pvp: make an area that has something that attracts players, such as a few chests with emeralds or diamonds in. To gain access they need to challenge you to pvp. Whenever you win, put some of the loot as a reward in the chest for the next adventurer.

Basically build yourself a bandit lair and make it worth people's while to try and gain entry.


rauyran said:
Here's a suggestion if you like pvp: make an area that has something that attracts players, such as a few chests with emeralds or diamonds in. To gain access they need to challenge you to pvp. Whenever you win, put some of the loot as a reward in the chest for the next adventurer.

Basically build yourself a bandit lair and make it worth people's while to try and gain entry.
Permission to use this idea? :3
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