Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Some Art Stuff~!


Lord of Altera
/rerail? This is getting too wierd for this time of day.
*looks up from her spot drawing in the corner and blinks at Sean and Reece holding several guns at each other with a bottle of meth between them, Spider nibbling on Tarron's face and Ghost sitting on a photon cannon in his corner. She shrugs and goes back to her work as a little train with a dinosaur on it chugs past*


Lord of Altera
*looks up from her spot drawing in the corner and blinks at Sean and Reece holding several guns at each other with a bottle of meth between them, Spider nibbling on Tarron's face and Ghost sitting on a photon cannon in his corner. She shrugs and goes back to her work as a little train with a dinosaur on it chugs past*
It's 11:45 P.M. I can deal with this.
I think.


Lord of Altera
Zat is fine.
My drawing tablet will be here soon. Squeeee!
I'm now contemplating Terraria, Dishonored or Skyrim.
I ruled out going on HollowWorld because there's never anyone online.


Lord of Altera
I ruled out going on HollowWorld because there's never anyone online.
DDD: You ain't leaving, are you?
And I expect hundreds of drawings when you get the tablet~!

Oh, and I love your sig :D We also ride kangaroos to school while wearing singlets, thongs, shorts and hats with dangling corks, with a barbecued shrimp smothered in vegemite in one hand.


Lord of Altera
Not leaving, but I always get on early and there's no one online to RP with. Besides about 8 uninteresting people/admins.
We also ride kangaroos to school while wearing singlets, thongs, shorts and hats with dangling corks, with a barbecued shrimp smothered in vegemite in one hand.


Lord of Altera
I'm playing Pandemic 2 and I think you'll be pleased to know that while not killing anybody in West Europe, I killed you and your whole country.
*Smug face*