Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Inactive Faelin of Eldor


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
... Eh, he's just an ibek who needs is desperate for friends and people he can trust in a climate where, if you put too much trust in anything, you die. It's fun.


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
To be honest Faelin is weird and mostly creeps the heck out of me..
I enjoyed rp'ing with Faelin a little bit more at previous exodus... Now you're just too damn mysterious, difficult to rp with..
To be fair, things have changed quite a bit since we last RPed in any detail. :p
The last time we really RPed, any and all relations between our characters were at an all time low, and given the fact that both are stubborn as heck (and both genuinely believed they were in the right) there was a small issue forcing them to tolerate each other enough to make RPing easy again. Although, from the beginning their personalities have never quite been aligned. For the "mysterious" thing though, I disagree. She was more paranoid as a result of a Madman's Game which screwed her up preeeetty badly, and she's always been ridiculously secretive, which didn't help. I do not try to make her a mysterious character, but a number of factors lead to her being pretty complicated to understand. I'm not making a mystery, I'm making a challenge. Relish it~


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Had two separate random people barge in on a super (purposefully) awkward start of an RP.
That was hilarious though, in their defence.
A big burly Earthspawn tried to sell us bread in the middle of a really awkward conversation. :p