Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Basil Brush Phoenix


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Basil never died, nor did Eminu. I mean -really-, bodies were never recovered for either of them!
However, Eminu faked her own death and Basil believed it. He tried to kill himself, not wanting to live without her and Eminu not getting word to him in time- But Basil was stopped and imprisoned.

Basil has been set free, and now Eminu searches for him...

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Michcat said:
Basil never died, nor did Eminu. I mean -really-, bodies were never recovered for either of them!
However, Eminu faked her own death and Basil believed it. He tried to kill himself, not wanting to live without her and Eminu not getting word to him in time- But Basil was stopped and imprisoned.

Basil has been set free, and now Eminu searches for him...
D'aww, that's a nice story you've got there, be a shame if somet-
No, not even grief can stop this, you go get him Eminu! *prepares for slo mo running to an airport where basil is boarding a plane to Paris* :3


Lord of Altera
Mich...I knew it...I swear! You devious crazy...Ugh! This is...I don't even really know how to interpret this....Just don't go near Tajay...ever. xD


The Arbiter of the Gods
*having his torch nicely polished already, takes out another one and starts polishing that one, then looks up and smiles*

Hello Mister Basil. I've been expecting you.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Basil's nothing like he was, really. He aged a century in two years, and is more interested in spending time with loved ones while he can then getting drunk and being sad.

Not that he can get drunk. He technically doesn't have a mouth.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
He's one of the more permanently dead characters, that most certainly is not being revived. I was just feeling nostalgic, and wanted to write up one last update~.