Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Inactive Faelin of Eldor


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
I didn't mind that they were interrupting, it was just that we were trying to create a really awkward situation for our characters and we barely got it started...
I don't think it was a problem really. After all, you cannot dictate things happening at the right times in the right order in reality, which is what RP is intended to mimic to an extent.
While it may have been a little surprising OOC, the immersion was maintained, and all went well I thought. :)
I'm too tired.
In that case, I would be interested to hear what you have to say when you're feeling more awake. :p


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
I was actually just about to reply to Faelin's post but I noticed you edited it... I find that post and also the edit slightly insulting...
Mine? I added brackets because I thought the commas looked messy. All the words were there before. :confused:
The post (if you mean the one I think you do) was not intended to cause any upset, but if you feel I'm being in some way unreasonable about anything I will happily speak to you in a PM to sort it out? I don't want to go offending anyone without realising it, so please let me know.


We demons of our solemn hour
What if I'd stop being a arse and stop lying every word I tell faelin
Maybe I'd climb the list :3


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
It's not supposed to be a competition, guys. :p It's just trivia.

Incidentally - did I ever actually define Faelin's concept of friendship~?