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~Nakam - Questions & Answers~

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Lord of Altera
I'd like to ask two things... One: The order of a sentence in Verba, is it the same as it is in common? or is it switched around entirely? Two: What is the normal time a Nakam child is in the womb?(As in, humans it's 9 months(normally).)


Loyal Servant of Altera
Quick question, would Nakam be able to work as black smiths? Just wondering because of the heat and all.


Lord of Altera
Ima try my hand at this(If I'm incorrect, someone beat me up~) I take it, that because the fact that they wouldn't be in the heat every second of every day, that yes, they can, though, it'd probably be -extremely- discomforting, and, they'd have to leave the(Tent/hut/building/smithy) Every so often, so they don't over-heat and well...die. ;)


Lord of Altera
..Why did I not see these questions earlier?

Bah, anyways, went more in depth about the sooleran nonsense.


Lord of Altera
Ima try my hand at this(If I'm incorrect, someone beat me up~) I take it, that because the fact that they wouldn't be in the heat every second of every day, that yes, they can, though, it'd probably be -extremely- discomforting, and, they'd have to leave the(Tent/hut/building/smithy) Every so often, so they don't over-heat and well...die. ;)

^^ this. Though Nakam made-blades and such aren't anything special, they are capable of metal work.


Lord of Altera
Well, seeing as how they're covered in fur, there's really no way to adequately tell if a Nakat would be blushing or not :p
The closest observable thing to blushing in a Nakat would be poofing of the fur, though even that may be hard to see, depending on the Nakat in question >_>


Lord of Altera
Right, so, the questions.

Do Nakam have rough tongues like cats themselves, and do they have human-like molars to chew food with?

Is there such thing as a hairless Nakat? (Nakat versions of those sphinx cat things *shudders*)

Aaand there was something else which I have now forgotten ._.


Lord of Altera
1: Nakam have remained largely carnivores, relying mostly on meats stuffs to eat, so their mouth structure has remained largely the same. They do typically have a few "molars" placed within the back of the mouth, but even Nakam molars are spiked and clearly more adept to meat rather than grains or other such foods.

2: While there have been no reported cases of Nakam born hairless, as I stated in the latest update surrounding the sooleran, some do choose to shave themselves to endure the more extreme temperatures of deserts~


Lord of Altera
If there is fur all over a Nakat and they get shaved...... Eww

Edit: No I mean like it would loo weird wouldn't they look all boney and.....That just I shouldn't have posted that.....
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