Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!


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Ham1003 was unfairly banned from this website. I am writing this for him as he cannot get on the website. He is sorry for offending your application system and takes it back. This is from me Plopern: Pleases give him a second chance. If he is rule breaking again then ban him, but he was just trying to help. He is very sorry.

Thankyou for reading,



Le Original Queen
I'm not sure exactly why he was banned, but it seemed that he applied, didn't even bother to fill the entire thing out, and answered everything with one or two words with what he did bother to include. His application was removed by Tinblue, so I'm fairly certain it's safe to say it's up to Tin what happens here.


Ok, I can explain about the half application. He slipped when copying and pastin and only got some of the questions.


Le Original Queen
Well he had the time to add that you recommended him to the server, but didn't fix the application. As I said, this needs Tinblue's attention.


<3 Hollow World
It probably didn't help that one of his first posts was bitching about how much effort it takes to get on the server. It's about 5 minutes work if that. That's not a good start Plopern.


Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
Because he posted this on our General forums...

you have to do masses to join. Most good ordinary servers just let you in like vindicraft but this is just getting stupid. You can disagree with me, it dependes whether you already know of good servers or not. Vindicraft is great by the way!
I'm sure he would be much better at home with people of his kind over at Vindicraft.
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