Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Exodus!



someplace else?

Oh that would be lovely wouldn't it?
Sorry mate, but Grief is more badarse and more powerful then anything you could imagine.
Chuck Norris included.
And Leroy Seth Jenkins.
And Neo.
And Nemo (from the film, AND from League of Extraordinary Gentlemen)
And Master Chief.
And Captain Price.
And V.
And Scardrac's Abs.
You know how long I could go on for...

The only person able to beat the corruption would be Tavish / Cubey.
And somehow~
~that makes me think of a really awesome, yet cheesy storyline.

No, I'd rather run for my life, and keep fighting and waste Griefs energy then 'just win'.
Just winning is the worst possible thing. Ever.
In fact, I'd rather have an enemy WORSE then Grief, mortal or immortal, then 'just win'.


Lord of Altera
Oh that would be lovely wouldn't it?
Sorry mate, but Grief is more badarse and more powerful then anything you could imagine.
Chuck Norris included.
And Leroy Seth Jenkins.
And Neo.
And Nemo (from the film, AND from League of Extraordinary Gentlemen)
And Master Chief.
And Captain Price.
And V.
And Scardrac's Abs.
You know how long I could go on for...

The only person able to beat the corruption would be Tavish / Cubey.
And somehow~
~that makes me think of a really awesome, yet cheesy storyline.

No, I'd rather run for my life, and keep fighting and waste Griefs energy then 'just win'.
Just winning is the worst possible thing. Ever.
In fact, I'd rather have an enemy WORSE then Grief, mortal or immortal, then 'just win'.
So... the hunt for a badass is the current task... I think I know who might be able to help, but I doubt we can get him here in time.


Lord of Altera
Well this was fun to come back to. xD anywaaaays...I don't think anyone can -beat- Grief...I'm not even sure(yes the cube is...strong/powerful/crazyamazing?) how they managed to even -hurt- Grief...


Lol so hard it hurt my kidneys.

This is why you don't put one person in charge of everything. Especially when they don't even want to. You have people desperate to write lore yet you're somehow stuck to having 2-3 people. Perhaps if the server went in a direction which the players wanted it would be a lot easier because people could voice their opinions without being shot down.

IMHO the general standard of roleplay and the FUN was a lot higher before the moderation of lore. Because where is the fun in restriction?

Naelwyn I know you're trying but do you really think this is all going to work out ok?


Lord of Altera
Lol so hard it hurt my kidneys.

This is why you don't put one person in charge of everything. Especially when they don't even want to. You have people desperate to write lore yet you're somehow stuck to having 2-3 people. Perhaps if the server went in a direction which the players wanted it would be a lot easier because people could voice their opinions without being shot down.

IMHO the general standard of roleplay and the FUN was a lot higher before the moderation of lore. Because where is the fun in restriction?

Naelwyn I know you're trying but do you really think this is all going to work out ok?
I'd hate to admit it but he's right, the lore feels more like it belongs to the staff and their friends and were all just along for the ride, but it does mean that the time of grief has to end, who knows maybe she was inadvertently holding back something much worse, and nobody knew...? (Voicing suppressed opinions is fun)


The Arbiter of the Gods
Now now, returning to what I was saying before, I don't think removing the lore would cause us anything but uncontrollable chaos. There are some aspects of the lore I quite like (obviously I'd be the one to say I like the God part, as that benefits me, but religion should be a big part anyway). People tend to forget how much of a mess the lore and the server actually was before the last Exodus (the case of seeing everything of the past in black and white, usually with brightness turned up). It wasn't half as pretty as people make it out to be. Ninja orphan assassins were not a joke, they were a valid way of some people's Role Play. Some freely ran around as "Kings of other worlds" or some Demons that could destroy the world with a sneeze if they chose to. The Lore is a good thing- it puts that limit, that last safety precaution to which one can refer to. The idea it's starting to slowly strive towards, however, may not be, at least in my eyes. I stated the reasons, though I also see the reasons why it might actually be beneficial for server in the long run. I think that if the lore in general slows down in expanding into the Medieval aspect (remember, said by the person who was initially pretty supportive to making this a more of a Medieval environment), and remember there's always that bit of fantasy left and there should be we'll finally hit the homerun everyone wants to see.
To conclude, removing the lore WOULD be worse than changing anything within it, I can assure you of that. Every world has its limitations, I think Earth is a prime example, let's just make sure those limitations are slightly higher in Altera ;)


Lord of Altera
I'd like to see more fantasy though..that'd be nice...very nice...*Rubs hands together, insane grin on his face*


Lord of Altera
Re-rails aside, what if we break the fourth wall and get the physical representation of the ban hammer that's made of pure adminium (bedrock) and use it to cast out grief?


Lord of Altera
Or we could all just give up minecraft for our health...? *promptly realises what he is saying any goes home because he's drunk*


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
... Personally, I'm fond of the direction the lore is heading and that it's even there in the first place. If it were only guidelines I.. don't really want to imagine all of the demons, gods, demigods, silly things that would come about.


Lord of Altera
... Personally, I'm fond of the direction the lore is heading and that it's even there in the first place. If it were only guidelines I.. don't really want to imagine all of the demons, gods, demigods, silly things that would come about.
Though, it'd be cool to see what would come of it, as in the -good- things...Everyone always thinks of the bad things, I never understand this...


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Though, it'd be cool to see what would come of it, as in the -good- things...Everyone always thinks of the bad things, I never understand this...
'Cause there would be tons more bad than good. I mean sure, someone might create a weird dragon race that has two tails that seems interesting....