Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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character portraits and other fun stuff


Lord of House Hawklight
Aye, I know who it was as well, though again, not sure if it's cooler keeping it a secret ;)

The Artist

Lord of Altera
If I can get my photoshop working again I would love to do a few for the server again in my free time. maybe race portraits. DON'T REVEAL THE SECRET IDENTITY :p


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
Wow, you sir or madam, possess a rare skill. I've seen some amazing art in my time (thanks to museums and forums like this one) but only on very rare occasions, have I seen something of this caliber. Seriously. I'm in awe of your skill. Your art style reminds me somewhat of the "The Stormlight Archive" series of books. As if it was nothing more than a sketch but after a moment, the lines and scratches seem to bring life to inanimate objects. It's glorious. The art from the aforementioned series is my favourite.

While I prefer the pictures before colouring, the combination of the blood, background paper staining and dull colours make for a delicious banquet... For my eyes!

I applaud your excellent work and hope that someday you take on requests or commissions so I may get a masterpiece of my own.
