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FKRage's confession

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Legend of Altera
Hello fellow members of the community. I'm here to confess that I used x-ray. I apologize for using it. Why? First when I joined, I was flat broke. I wandered around, thinking of ways how to make radiants. Soon enough, I found Port Silver's marketplace. Figuring that selling gold would be the best way to make radiants. So then, firstly I went mining without x-ray. But horribly failed. Desperate as I was I finnaly decided to use x-ray. Promising myself just until I get a stable ground to stand on. And that's how it was. I do not claim my previous story as an excuse, just something to make things clear. And once again, I'm sincerely sorry for doing so. I feel ashamed of myself... My honour, gone. The rest... I leave it up to you, members of the community to decide. If you however decide that I should leave... I understand.


<3 Hollow World
I'd really like to hear your fellow players opinions on this one. I'll lay the fact bare as it was me who spotted you doing it:

1. 404 gold and 57 diamond ore breaks in ~2.5 hours (split over two sessions)
2. Clear x-ray use, even if it had been 10% of the blocks we'd still have spotted it quickly.
3. Registered on Sunday, banned on Tuesday.

This is a staggering level of X-ray use which is way beyond the normal scale of cheating we get. If this had gone unchecked it would have meant he'd have been able to get a Knighthood in about 3 hours worth of work, something which usually takes players weeks, if not months to achieve and would have threatened the stability of our in-game economy.


Legend of Altera
...Farewell everyone. I feel, too ashamed to even wait for anyone else to respond. Even though I've played for such a short time, it was a great time. What else can I say, I'm wordless from my own behaviour.


Le Original Queen
My stance is X-Ray'ers be damned, GTFO. But that's just my opinion. I dislike X-Ray'ers with a passion. This server isn't about having money, it's about the RP.


Lord of Altera
hmm im not sure with this one to tell you the truth allthough the xray use was massive i think he is truly sorry about it, he excepts that he will probably be banned but even if he is banned he leaves with my respect because he apologieses and excepts the punishment


The Anime loving Brony
FK that was a phenomenal amount of X-ray that you did,
I know you are sorry about it, and I can see you really are regretful about it.
I just don't think that you will be unbanned for this.
Thank you for not being petulant about this, and being respectful in your post. However, that is just too much X-Ray. I , like Bubbles, have respect for you, but I'd say it'll be permanent.


Loyal Servant of Altera
I say perm ban... If not perm.. 999,999 day ban

They never learn that you will ALWAYS get caught and suffer the consequences


He was at first not going to appeal. He apologised to me in a private conversation, then I asked him to make an appeal.

I think he felt ashamed himself enough to give me reason to trust him not to do it again. I'm willing to give players a second chance if they apologise and give me a reason to think they will not cross the line again. We've done it to Arkkaine, and he's a King's Hand now.

Unless half, steel or cherbert objects I'd like to turn this into a 7 days ban, with money set to zero. He will have gained nothing from xraying, but will be given a second chance to prove himself.


Legend of Altera
I currently have 130,000 radiants. All earned painstakingly through mining LEGIT. Its not fair to people who worked hard like me that some people choose to cheat. If you fail at mining then use this thing called GOOGLE and learn better mining techniques. no sympathy for x-rayers. perma ban them all and let the minecraft gods sort'em out.


Loyal Servant of Altera
I agree with deathcrusher I have mined ALOT of diamonds all legitly..
I think ALL black magic users should be perma banned..
otherwise other people will just '' apologize'' and get away with it..
although I accept your apology..
the punishment must be carried out...


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
No, he should be let of the hook for this one, on a 7-10 day temp ban with possessions and money all gone.
True its not fair, but him getting more diamonds does not actually hurt anyone else, it just has other implications and its cheating.

But he confessed outright, and that goes miles farther than trying to lie, when we know youve done it.
He seems genuinely remorseful, so id say he shouldnt be perm banned.


<3 Hollow World
I'm happy to go with Lar's on this, partly as my view on Xray has been changing lately and with 1.0 things are going to change dramatically as you know Legion :D

Hopefully we can put an end to this sillyness and just get on with RPing.


The Anime loving Brony
Okay, congratulations FK, Glad to have you back on the server.
I like the punishment of money re-set and possessions gone,It encourages others not to do it as they don't benefit from the cheating, and risk a lot more than they gain.

Avery Thomas

Sorrows Warrior
Good decision, Lars.

All black magic user's shouldn't be damned to eternal pain and agony with dogs yanking at their chains, while vulture peck at their livers and eyes from above with the coyotes eating their limbs, it truly just amounts on how sincere and the amount of Xray. Take a look at Werbil. Great player, but Xrayed. Was truly sorry, and we lifted our hearts and accepted him out of his exile to the blissful home of Altera.
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