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Question: What would you like to see on Hollowworld?


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
It seems like traveling about 200 miles RP on ships, takes only about a few seconds. Some how I feel that needs to be fixed, and more realistic seeming. Its not just with ships. With carriages, it takes a few seconds to travel a longer distance at a slower speed, and how the nether does the carriage cross water, and ice?!?!
And while that sounds nice, you would be surprised how completely not fun it is to just stand there on a boat by yourself doing nothing waiting for the timer to run out so it ports you.


Lord of Altera
And while that sounds nice, you would be surprised how completely not fun it is to just stand there on a boat by yourself doing nothing waiting for the timer to run out so it ports you.


I guess this is not really lore related, but more of how people RP. Nobody acts like it has been a week of traveling.

Usually they say something like "I just got on the boat and sailed away in only a few minutes, and it's not weird how amazingly fast that boat was!"

[Edit:] Okay maybe it isn't that bad, but it still seems no one acts as if it takes a week or two to travel such a long distance.


Retired Staff
Because for the most part, nobody is RPing going to a distant city. They're going there, then RPing with people. And let's face it, you're more likely to want to get somewhere fast for convenience than wait a minute and a half or more to get somewhere where people might be waiting for you.


Lord of Altera
At least have two different thingies. kinda like how the Heavens Reach's boat had RP travel and then OOC travel areas, I always wanted to see a port that transported you to one place somewhere in the ocean, on the boat, so you could at least RP there for a while~ Also, I'd like to see less..."Self proclaimed lords/ladies that are awesome at fighting." I don't like when people just go on ahead and make their character the leader of some grand, amazing army, that no one even ever sees, because magically, they're all invisible or something xD


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
I'd say TES and their Argonians.
I guess my question really should have been:

Do you want it because:
1) "I want to play with the challenges and from the perspective of a reptillian humanoid"
2) "lol ima lizard" (btw, it reeaally seems like this one atm )


Lord of Altera
No, I like the idea of a more...I suppose "tribal" race?...I like the kind of races, that their communication isn't based directly on speaking, though they can of course~ I enjoy thinking of a creature that could lurk in the waters of PS sometimes, and could make areas that are heavily flooded(Sewers, rivers, lakes, etc.) dangerous..


Retired Staff
I was thinking more reptilian than amphibious. A kind of counter-Nakat that sticks to the deserts because it's cold-blooded.


El programming zorro
Retired Staff
No, I like the idea of a more...I suppose "tribal" race?...I like the kind of races, that their communication isn't based directly on speaking, though they can of course~ I enjoy thinking of a creature that could lurk in the waters of PS sometimes, and could make areas that are heavily flooded(Sewers, rivers, lakes, etc.) dangerous..
You don't have to have a reptilian race for that. I mean, the "reptilian" part is not necessary to have all these features and traits.


Lord of Altera
Well, reptilians stick to the waters often, taking a good few into thought. But I don't mean a race that -needs- water to survive, they just use it to hunt or something xD *Shrug*


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
So, what is really desired is:
Tribal like culture
Alternate speech and communication patterns/methods
Alternate habitation and environment preferences.

And assuming these were filled you wouldnt really care if they looked particularly like a lizard or some other creature or something totally made up?

Is this correct?


Lord of Altera
Well, it's not -just- that, but the thought of a lizard(or just reptilian in general) race is really interesting...something that lots of people enjoy(or so I think)


Retired Staff
... It'd be awesome, if someone someday, used an alt to rp as an animal. Not as main characer, but just.. Side character.

This has been done, actually. Rygan was a bear for a bear hunt. It's not something you can RP constantly though.