Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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When a Silent's bored..


Random picture that may be a few months old while I scavenge around for inspiration to actually draw more.. xD
I think I drew this one trying to figure out what Sheyra would look like, but she sure didn't come out like that.

Have another:
Silent with a little bean bag chicken thing on her shoulder, because I have one of those.


Looking through old pictures have actually inspired me more than anything else I've tried to get me drawing xD
So here's two pictures inspired by old pictures :3
Bear in mind- I still suck at anatomy.. Just look at dem hips- :F
I'm working on it kay D:


It's one of those sad things where you only realize how much the character actually did, went through or experienced after you kill them off.. I was checking her inventory afterwards and she has flowers and her journals and gifts from friends, daww moment. xD

But she's staying dead. :I