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Ban appeal - Thea Paronell

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Avery Thomas

Sorrows Warrior
I've been banned for griefing, I love this server, I do not wish to stay banned, a lot of my time as been devoted to helping this server and making it enjoyable for all.

As for griefing, if it was the refuge village, I meant to try and keep that in RP, as the town I was residing in went to war against the village. I burnt down Moo's tree/tower, and I apologize for that, and accept if you wish to temp or perm ban me. Moo, no hard feeling against you, I thought it was part of Bellon's. If you would allow me, i'll rebuild the tree.
Once again, I apologize for any feelings/property destroyed against people,


Lord of Altera
ok this is the same kinda thing as darthcoreys ban it was a small greif and erally minor but i just wanted to throw this out into the open for others to talk about.

Avery Thomas

Sorrows Warrior
Ah, yeah I broke that to come watch Waterpicker with his potion making. Unfortunately got banned before I went down to replace it, though.


The Anime loving Brony
Why did you burn down Moo's Tree? I didn't even think that it was in the village.
And why didn't you ask Water to open his door or whatever instead of breaking through the wall?


<3 Hollow World
Sounds more likely that you did it as you thought the plugins weren't working, seriously what's wrong with people at the moment? It's not your property so don't think you can do it then give a half hearted apology to make it OK.

Don't do it in the first place.

Incidentally this is your second ban appeal, that's strike two of three.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Thea i am dissapointed.
You best learn from this one, as of late you have been engaging in activities that we do not permit.
Not only the griefing, but when i was on you were just generally unpleasant. Please do not continue this trend.


I'm hoping we can stop putting Thea down, shes so far down in the ground she can't really get back up. I'd like to give her a chance to prove herself. If she does something wrong we can deal with it in a proper manner, the same rules that apply to everyone else.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Youre a really good player, youve just made some bad decisions. All other times ive seen you rping and being productive.


Le Original Queen
Frankly, as it's all on the Temp server, and people have been griefing left and right, I see no reason for petty things like this to be a Ban, for even an hour. A kick at the MOST would have sufficed, or even a warning in open chat.


Lord of Altera
Frankly, as it's all on the Temp server, and people have been griefing left and right, I see no reason for petty things like this to be a Ban, for even an hour. A kick at the MOST would have sufficed, or even a warning in open chat.
i didnt just ban her for breaking something small it was the fact that people had said that she had burnt down moo's tree. i did not make this obvious in my first post and to many it would seem unreasonable, the reason i pasted the picture of the really stupid greif was because it was the only real proof i had of her doing any greifing apart from someone elses word on the matter.
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