Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

up2beat4life- Application


1. Your Minecraft Username: up2beat4life
2. Your Real Name: Caelan Smyth
3. Age: 17
4. Gender: Male
5. Country: Republic Of Ireland
6. I have read the Tome of Citizenship
7. I think this is a really good idea for a roleplay, mixing Fantasy roleplay and Medieval. I love to roleplay and most games that I play on the internet I roleplay on
8. I am friendly and I have never griefed on a server in my life. I love to roleplay and my character's skin is a priest's skin. I accept all of the laws in the tome of citizenship. I wish to roleplay among others as a normal citizen, I do not need any extremely high ranks in society. I have had great fun with console roleplays as well like Fable II, Fable III and The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim. I was bored yesterday and I was browsing mcserverlist when I stumbled across this server.
9. I have no pictures/ videos to show


1. Your Minecraft Username: up2beat4life
2. Your Real Name: Caelan Smyth
3. Age: 17
4. Gender: Male
5. Country: Republic Of Ireland
6. I have read the Tome of Citizenship
7. I think this is a really good idea for a roleplay, mixing Fantasy roleplay and Medieval. I love to roleplay and most games that I play on the internet I roleplay on
8. I am friendly and I have never griefed on a server in my life. I love to roleplay and my character's skin is a priest's skin. I accept all of the laws in the tome of citizenship. I wish to roleplay among others as a normal citizen, I do not need any extremely high ranks in society. I have had great fun with console roleplays as well like Fable II, Fable III and The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim. I was bored yesterday and I was browsing mcserverlist when I stumbled across this server. My friends all enjoy to roleplay with me, they have even told me that I am known to make others feel welcome into the world of roleplaying with me. I hope I will make it a good experience for everybody else and that the other people on the server will feel comfortable roleplaying around me. I hope that you will accept me into the server and I hope you will enjoy roleplaying with me if you do. I think this is all I have to say other than the fact that I also saw this advertised on the MC forums and that it looks really good from the picture shown
9. I have no pictures/ videos to show
10. No, nothing else to share.
11. Yes, I am aware of this.