Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

The [Old] Guardians

The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
~The Guardians~

-Crown Organisation-

guardian crest.png

After realising the latest threats governing the terror in the hearts of the common civilian, the crown has issued a statement that states how 'Guardians' shall be created, to protect everything Alterans' hold dear, against the evils that plague this world.

Current Guardians:
Guild Leaders:
IGN: L1v1ng_Gh0st
IGN: Caedd

Guild Members:
1. @Deash12 (Interview) Link
2. @dacoutts Link
3. @Silvertread
4. @ACU20 Link
5. @Arken Link
6. @Diarmuid Cronin (Elrohir) Link
7. @CatalysTftw Link
8. @Rygan Link
9. @Scardrac Link

(VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE- This app is both ooc and ic, so what you say about your characters skills and how they have a dark past will be sent as a letter to the guild, and read by Cloud, Ced, and/or Kirby, so although I strongly recommend being completely honest, know that whatever you write down, the guildmasters will know about. Having said that, only the guildmasters will know, and keep it confidential, so for everyone else, no meta gaming.

Furthermore, the spaces available for the guild are the amount of beds available, because as a member of the guild, you are welcome to stay the night, come and go, and even live there if you have no where else to go~ The beds vary, from being alone, and secluded, for the more shy characters, to sharing a room with another, to being in the large, sociable room, where there are 6 beds or so, therefore, included in the application form there is a Privacy Issues section, where you can state if you'd prefer to be alone, with another, or a part of the big room, which we will take into consideration when allocating bunks)

Application Form:
Character Name:
Overview of characters skills (whatever you feel could be useful):
History of wrong doings (think of it as repentance, so the Guild Leaders know of possible weaknesses and dark pasts that may affect how they think and battle certain enemies):
Privacy Issues:
Other Allegiances (The Guardians care not, only for references sake):
How you take your coffee:
Finally, that you swear allegiance to the leaders of the Guardians, and in turn, the Guild, and that you accept that there is always more that one can learn:

"The Queen wishes all of Altera to assist these people in their efforts against the current demonic or supernatural threats"
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The Living Ghost

Thing One
Retired Staff
Directions to the Guild:

1. Head to Port Silver through spawn
2. Go north and follow the coastline until you reach the cliff with the hole through it
3. On the other side, on the right, is the guild
4. Profit
5. More profit

(*cough* Amazing paint skills *cough*)



Need to contact the guild, but never seem to be on when we are?


There's a letter drop just left of the main entrance of the guild for all your beautiful messages :3
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i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
*Stamp of Approval*


Also- Heads up, these guys know intimate things about the Sorrows. If you want a fair chance, you'd best team up.


We demons of our solemn hour
Tsss amateurs *grins while walking out of a dark corner*

I... Jeroxia wake Whitemore ofhouse venezia, advisor on extreme matters. .
Shall support the existence of this group.
But I work.. alone
(Unless I work with ghosty and get to sing the ghostbusters theme)


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff

Up and running!

Edit- We're not really a house, just an organisation. Teehee.
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