Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Norse viking town( open to join)


Me, AntMan11155, will be trying to make a Norse viking town. We will need money to make it.(100k) So in order to join you must be able to put up money to make it. I have the spot for the place and i have alot of experience in building Norse stuff. Once we first get the town i will make the first house and then i will get people to help make more while I work on the Great Hall and public town stuff. I will also be trying to see if we will be able to raid other towns.(with some stipulations) any suggestions about the town then ask. i cant think of anything else right now. bye :D


<3 Hollow World
Frankie + MC_King keep this out of other peoples threads, it's getting rather tiresome and has nothing to do with this norse town.


Lord of Altera
I have no business of war here. I am genuinely intersted plus the Admins time has been wated enough by this pointless feud.


Lord of Altera
Not sure if Antman is still into the idea, but contact me for details if you wish
to join the Norse town! (It is all planned, we just lack Radiants)