Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Whitelist Change #1:


Non sum qualis eram
We're increasing the minimum application age to 14.

Any existing whitelist posts or active players are grandfathered in, this applies to new applications only.
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Yū Yi
Oh my-
I just checked out an application and basicly sent my acceptance to it... Soo... Those who already have sent their whitelist app, do they get affected to?
Or can we already decline those even if they are sent in before this?


Lord of Altera
We're increasing the minimum application age to 16.

Any existing whitelist posts or active players are grandfathered in, this applies to new applications only.
For clarification, does this mean that rules regarding mature content will change or be relaxed slightly? I'm not suggesting it, merely wondering why the actual change was instated.


Lord of Altera
For clarification, does this mean that rules regarding mature content will change or be relaxed slightly? I'm not suggesting it, merely wondering why the actual change was instated.
All my likes and agreement to this comment!

For example, remove that stupid censoring plugin for once!


Lord of Altera
All my likes and agreement to this comment!

For example, remove that stupid censoring plugin for once!
The swearing rules are still in action unless stated/announced otherwise, the filter will remain unless it managed to block out too many important words (which I doubt it does anymore)


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
Honest question.... why?

I know they are rare, but there are people out there who are younger than 16 who are considerably more mature than some people I've seen here.


The Kingdom Crusher
A lot of people that have ended up contributing massivly to the server were below 16 when they applied. Like, I'm fairly certain Val (the guy who's basically defining the political landscape people've craved for so long) was 15 when he joined? Other close friends I know are quite mature, and a good amount below 16 now/when they applied.

EDIT: Though, before I rant, just want to ask again:

Is there a thread for discussion on this or would you voice your opinion here..?


Lord of Altera
The same argument could be placed for bans/warnings? Wouldn't a lot of them be for people under 16?

While yes, we might miss out on getting some great players, we'll also miss out on getting potential griefers and people who are going to ignore the rules or ragequit over the smallest thing (like having to change their skin)


The Kingdom Crusher
Surely that could be avoided in some other way beyond an age cap? Some other trend could be found, like general effort in terms of their language? Either way, should we make a thread to discuss this? (Not an argument or attempt to show up the staff's choice [seeing as you do things for the best of a none-profit community :p], but just to let out opinions, debate and/or/hopefully healthily advise?)


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
The same argument could be placed for bans/warnings? Wouldn't a lot of them be for people under 16?

While yes, we might miss out on getting some great players, we'll also miss out on getting potential griefers and people who are going to ignore the rules or ragequit over the smallest thing (like having to change their skin)
Those who get kicked do so quite quickly though, no?


Lord of Altera
The swearing rules are still in action unless stated/announced otherwise, the filter will remain unless it managed to block out too many important words (which I doubt it does anymore)
nonono you don't understand.

I am okay with the swearing rules, but some of the words changed by the filter are just plain stupid...

I mean cmon, we can't even say SEXY!


Non sum qualis eram
I agree with the idea of a filter. (It's for non-moderated worlds mostly.)

We can tweak what is and is not censored, the only thing that is staying is "pls."