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Nakam Race Removed


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
But why?

Due to having too many races, severe inactivity from the main creator, and somewhat buggy lore- Nakam are the first race to get the axe. It was a close tie between nakam and greylings...

Sooo time to make a ship voyage and go find out what happened?
This is definitely possible! Anyone interested in such are more then welcome to send me a convo and we can have something akin to the 'Sail to the Heavens' event :D

I can only imagine the scope and complexity and cleverness of everything that has led to this thread-
Or maybe they all just got the flu. And died.
Surely they couldn't have gotten the flu and all just died. I mean, wouldn't some develop immunities or have knowledge to treat it to an extent? I would say large scale war, but even then there would be survivors, and they aren't ones to fight unless supplies got really low... maybe some corrupt mage from another land went ahead and gave them some incurable disease? *prepares riot shield just in case angry RPers come to take me for my wonderfully stupid ideas*
Awh thank you for the support! Don't worry, though- I have a pretty solid setting behind all this. Its even investigate-able!

I think it's time to get the carpet. @Michcat
This is a very real thing that could happen- Other characters in Altera can indeed arrange the murder and/or death of what we OOCly know to be the last Nakam. Such would indeed lead to the absolute end of this race.

However, keep in mind- the same rules of metagaming/powergaming/no torture/so on so forth still apply in full force.


This is a very real thing that could happen- Other characters in Altera can indeed arrange the murder and/or death of what we OOCly know to be the last Nakam. Such would indeed lead to the absolute end of this race.
Does this mean if the remaining Nakam die, they're out? One death is permanent with no Sisterhood revival?


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Does this mean if the remaining Nakam die, they're out? One death is permanent with no Sisterhood revival?
No. Depending on a character, a Nakat is definitely eligible for Sisterhood revival. (However, newer Nakam may refuse on account of their beliefs- depending how strongly they hold to them.) All good RP!


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Tis a shame.. Well, At least we could make lots of carpet.. Or.. Bury them if you must..
Nakam beliefs dictate that they would much rather prefer being cremated, as to be buried is the most deprecating insult and - in their eyes - prevents them from a peaceful afterlife.


Magus of Nothing
One question;

Why -not- Greylings?
There are two active players compared to the 5-ish of the Nakam. They're a more fleshed out race, more interesting in most opinions...


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
One question;

Why -not- Greylings?
There are two active players compared to the 5-ish of the Nakam. They're a more fleshed out race, more interesting in most opinions...

The Nakam have issue that don't affect the other core races, hence this decision- We'll definitely be looking at Greylings/Earthspawn/Caparii for their own personal reasons.
I'd say if there were races I know that will last, with absolute certainty, it would be Humans-Elves-Dwarves.


The Arbiter of the Gods
The Nakam have issue that don't affect the other core races, hence this decision- We'll definitely be looking at Greylings/Earthspawn/Caparii for their own personal reasons.
I'd say if there were races I know that will last, with absolute certainty, it would be Humans-Elves-Dwarves.
Just as certain as Queen Grief?


Non sum qualis eram
The Nakam - because the person maintaining the stuff for them has completely bailed from the server, basically.

I love how people make immediate, OOC metagaming decisions and you better believe I'll be watching for it.

Both the Greylings and the Earthspawn also have the "monster" race prejudice problem that tends to keep the numbers low, with people especially dropping characters due to, like the above, OOC targeting.

It's not something I particularly like but I can read the playerbase and I can tell you that there's never going to be any playable race introduced with an alignment south of neutral again, mainly because on multiple sides of the fence people cannot seem to handle this kind of thing.

I am considering the potential further phase out of Greylings and Earthspawn except from those derived from existing characters and the potential inclusion of another race or more cultures or some combination thereof.


Natus de Aurum; Natus ex bellum
It's not something I particularly like but I can read the playerbase and I can tell you that there's never going to be any playable race introduced with an alignment south of neutral again, mainly because on multiple sides of the fence people cannot seem to handle this kind of thing.
So basically we're going to have no more inheritably nasty races?


Puppycat Herder
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The Nakam - because the person maintaining the stuff for them has completely bailed from the server, basically.

I love how people make immediate, OOC metagaming decisions and you better believe I'll be watching for it.

Both the Greylings and the Earthspawn also have the "monster" race prejudice problem that tends to keep the numbers low, with people especially dropping characters due to, like the above, OOC targeting.

It's not something I particularly like but I can read the playerbase and I can tell you that there's never going to be any playable race introduced with an alignment south of neutral again, mainly because on multiple sides of the fence people cannot seem to handle this kind of thing.

I am considering the potential further phase out of Greylings and Earthspawn except from those derived from existing characters and the potential inclusion of another race or more cultures or some combination thereof.
This really breaks my heart, because OOCly, I love the Greylings. I just don't think I could actually play one very well.