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Road network between Warstrom, Aspendale, Uthrandir and Heavens Reach


Loyal Servant of Altera
Username: Dauntless001

Project: Road building between the towns of Warstrom, Aspendale, Uthrandir and Heavens Reach

Location: See dynamic map image below (Road marked in red, joins on to the remains of the older road)

My reasons for wanting to build this are threefold, firstly I believe that this will help promote RP between the involved towns as we have an increased chance of meeting travelers along the way. Secondly it is possible that this road could bring some much needed life back to Warstrom which is a shadow of its former self these days and finally I just like building roads :p

I have already spoken to the mayors Bellon the wise, Aug88 and iTz NiCK xX asking their consent, they have all said yes, I should have probably posted this application first however, sorry about that.

For some reason I cannot seem to take screenshots from minecraft, but the road would follow the same style as whats left of the old one, 2 stone slabs bordered by stone bricks, also seeing as I already have builder status my permissions don't even need changing :).

So I ask your permissions / thoughts on the idea.



King ForumStalker
I like the idea but its so huge, im thinking a road would be a bit too... I don't know how to put it.

Plus with voxelport people will just use ships, stables and anything else instead, the only one you cant get to this way atm is heavens reach (at least the last time I visited)


Loyal Servant of Altera
I like the idea but its so huge, im thinking a road would be a bit too... I don't know how to put it.

Plus with voxelport people will just use ships, stables and anything else instead, the only one you cant get to this way atm is heavens reach (at least the last time I visited)
I have thought about voxelport (or whatever it is we have now) but as it stands now the ships only go to Port Silver, I was going to create this as a safer way to travel in between these towns whilst saving ships / stables for towns further away like Skara or Fornost for example.

There is also the possibility that we may apply to form a Nation also (strictly speculative at the moment) so a road between us would just feel right.

Heavens Reach has a ship now too.


Loyal Servant of Altera
I take it you'd make a suitable bridge over the water?
Aye indeed, and seeing as it'd be mainly the joining to Uthrandir that would be the most prominent i'd ask them for ideas on making it suitably extravagant, but for anywhere else i'd replace the stone brick borders with wood and put fences on either side to act as a bridge (really annoyed that print screen isn't working for me).

You can get an idea of what I mean by looking at whats left of the old road I built before the map change.


<3 Hollow World
You haven't filled in the right form but it'd be daft to do it now. I'd go for it Dauntless, you've a proven track record of good builds. It'd be nice to have some roads back in game too.

I'll approve it and slap anyone who says otherwise :p


Loyal Servant of Altera
Since Dauntless is unable to take screenshots, I thought that I would provide some of the style that was present in the last map.



<3 Hollow World
Because of the distance to Uthrandir I think something taller would be needed as you are crossing a short part of the sea, but I'm sure you know what I mean (arches etc.)


Loyal Servant of Altera
Yeah definitely taller with some arches incorporated into the design, but i'll cross that bridge when I come to it (sorry :p)


Loyal Servant of Altera
Just a brief update, I logged on this evening to find my road completed in my abscence , seemingly by having stone slabs spawned in all along the reaminder of the way to Heavens Reach, this has greatly dissapointed me as I was looking forward to savouring the moment of completion on this project I have spent days on and used many thousands of blocks of stone on it.
Not only was it done without asking me the new section of road does not match the rest of the nation long stretch already in place.

I have begun taking it down to correct the design and finish my project myself, I appreciate the thought of whoever did this if it was intended to help but please let me finish my work.

Oh and I shall store the excess slabs in a chest nearby if they are to be reclaimed.


Loyal Servant of Altera
At long last, I can finally announce the completion of the Warstrom / Aspendale / Uthrandir / Heavens Reach road Network, spanning 6 days and 10's of thousands of blocks it's done at long last, all thats left is some cosmetic work here and there.

Thanks to all those that assisted me.

.......... and now I sleep :p