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Ban Appeal

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Legend of Altera
I put an upside down cross in the sorrowlands. I did it as RP. Like making a statement about my presence in the sorrow lands. I know now this is not welcome so I wont do it again. I will say however, I think a ban is a little heavy handed. I am a long time player on this server and an in game message telling me never to do it again or requesting that I remove it would have sufficed.

Like I said though. It wont happen again.


Legend of Altera
btw. not to make an issue of this. but my ban says "no upside down crosses anywhere" but I have them all over my keep and ikbenlars (as has steel and have a number of Kings Hands)have been visiting my citadels since 1.7...all of which have always included upside down crosses.


Legend of Altera
thank you and for the future i will use the sorrowlands solely for their intended purpose and leave the foreboding rp statements where they are welcome.


Lord of Altera
Ah that was me. There was a massive upside down cross floating in the sorrowlands, I did try to find out if it was against the rules and I spose I did act too soon on it. But frankly it pissed me off. I'm not religious at all, but I think putting something that big on the exit to the sorrowlands cove was just one step too far, it could've offended a lot of people. That might just be me, anyone's free to correct me.

To be fair, I might have acted the same if it was a massive cross the right side up. But that's because I just don't like religious symbols in a world that already has its own gods and their own symbols :I.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
I dont understand how an upside down cross is offensive.
However, im of the opinion, and i may be wrong, that petty things like crosses or stars of david should not be considered offensive by those not of that faith. This is a private server, so if youre one faith and dont like that this other guy made a symbol for a different one, well i say tough luck, it shouldnt bother you anyway. I hate how america is loosing its roots because people who simply like to bitch about things are complaining to the government about how the pledge says "under god" and how the money has on it "In god we trust"
I dont even believe in a god and i still think its ridiculous.

Now i agree that deliberately trying to offend someone religiously is too far, as in actively disrespecting or insulting a religion, but if someone has a cross in their MC house who cares? Heck theres a cross in PS cathedral. Unless the intent was to insult then it shouldnt be a problem
(None of this was an attack on you sally, im just ranting. I didnt see the cross, so i have no idea.)

By the way, how do we know it was a cross if it was upside down?


Le Original Queen
Ah that was me. There was a massive upside down cross floating in the sorrowlands, I did try to find out if it was against the rules and I spose I did act too soon on it. But frankly it pissed me off. I'm not religious at all, but I think putting something that big on the exit to the sorrowlands cove was just one step too far, it could've offended a lot of people. That might just be me, anyone's free to correct me.

To be fair, I might have acted the same if it was a massive cross the right side up. But that's because I just don't like religious symbols in a world that already has its own gods and their own symbols :I.
It was my understanding that the Sorrowlands weren't protected, so you could have just made them go away. ;D Don't fret over it Sally. We still love you.


<3 Hollow World
TBH there's plenty of other symbols that could be made to the evil gods of altera ;) We don't worship them enough if you ask me :p


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
I assume you mean your recent turn to the dark side.
Alas, i am not, i started on the dark side and turned to the light.
Although, i still have unclear motives and intentions, and i am by no means incoruptable....


Lord of Altera
Well I know saying "No upside down crosses anywhere" was a step too far, but this thing was floating over the hills next to the camp of bob and bill, so if you exited the cove, you'd just see that thing floating in the air.

I do admit I was too harsh, there's no specific rules on it and I've seen small crosses around Altera. Just yeah. This one pissed me off, and I'm sorry about overreacting.


Bellon the Wise

I put an upside down cross in the sorrowlands. I did it as RP. Like making a statement about my presence in the sorrow lands. I know now this is not welcome so I wont do it again. I will say however, I think a ban is a little heavy handed. I am a long time player on this server and an in game message telling me never to do it again or requesting that I remove it would have sufficed.

Like I said though. It wont happen again.
Gosh! sorry about that buddy.
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