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The Pende Arcis [Approved]


Resigned Admin
Minecraft Username: Tantara
Name of Project: The Pende Arcis
Location of Project: Flat Lands
Size of the project: ~160+ plots for the complex itself. I'm also hoping to be given sovereignty of the surrounding region in order to build roads, ruins, etc.
Intention of the project: Monastic Complex and Citadel
Reason for inability to claim plots personally: It would be absolutely absurd
Residents: Tantara, potentially members of the Order (Axex, Valisa, Ikbenlars, etc.)
Builders: Tantara, potentially members of the Order (Axex, Valisa, Ikbenlars, etc.)
Why is this a good addition to HollowWorld?: It will be an immersive area with an excellent backstory. It's add a whole new layer to roleplay by offering an area that is meant to be explored and will hopefully act as a questing hub when it's finished.
Used materials: Sandstone and brick for the exterior
Inspiration: The Pandeora monasteries at Mount Athos in Greece as well as early Byzantine and Italian architecture.
RP explanation/introduction:
The Pende Arcis, colloquially known as “The Arcis” or simply “Arcis”, was founded in the tumultuous era following the cataclysmic release of evil that fulminated with Queen Grief's escape. Meaning "the Suspended Citadel", it was founded as a place of solace and sanctuary in the midst of a chaotic and dark time. It was created in order to act as a counterweight to the rising dark might of Fortress Naught. The members of the Order (followers of the deities of Good and Order as well as remnants of the Knights Radiant) built the monastery in secret as to keep the eyes of Chaos off of it while it wasn't defendable.
A great sentinel, the complex is perched on several large stones in the great Lake Seraph and located in the Flat Lands. From its sunbleached and fortified walls, members of the Order defend against evil and protect the mountain passes that lead to the monastery. The Order is also eager to provide shelter to travellers in order to promote peace. They welcome all to take refuge in the sanctuary's walls if they so wish.

I plan on further expanding this idea once this is approved under a towny thread.

Planning:, this is a very rough-draft. I plan on having much more elaborate buildings than what you see there. Please look at the two larger buildings to see what I actually plan on making.
Links to previous work: See above.
Other information:
I already have perhaps half of the sandstone needed for this project and maybe a quarter of the brick. King Ikbenlars has agreed to use voxelsniper in order to create the specific landmarks and terrain that I have planned for this area and I'mm also hoping that I'll be able to use outposts to place ruined buildings and watchtowers to add flavor to the area. The area of land that I plan on using is quite large, so I'll need a lot of space.

My plans for this include 3 valleys with ruins, a forest with ruins, the monastery itself, a large lake, a mountain range, farmlands, a small ruined fort, etc. A lot of this doesn't have to be claimed with towny, but I will want them in the area around where I'm to be. I'm hoping that, eventually, the admins will be able to add quests and whatnot to the area as it'll serve little purpose otherwise. This all doesn't have to be done at once; it's a long-term plan. Also, I know that I'm asking for a lot so I will of course understand if I won't be able to do everything I have planned.



Resigned Admin
Oh, I forgot to mention something. In my rough draft, I have various beacons (fire on netherack in towers) set up through the complex. I thought it could be fun to create a game in which one side defends the beacons while others attempt to destroy them.


I've known about this for a long time, and seen the plans for it develop. Therefore approved.


Resigned Admin
Wow just saw the Rough draft, i'm glad to be able to be part of something that huge ^^
Yeah haha, it'll be a fair bit bigger than the rough draft as well. The rough draft just shows the mausoleum, the hall of the heavens (the one that's not merged with the land) and a poorly built residential complex/docks. I'm working on a Grand Library as we speak and have plans on making the residential complex a lot more elaborate. That's for the monastery itself. Outside of that, I have a large willow fen, a barrow/burial ground region, a giant shattered statue, an ancient forest, and a peak with a cave for Wandering Robin to be in. It's not just huge, it's ginormous XD

Thanks again for your help :)


Resigned Admin
can I help build?
Of course, it depends on what you want to build though. I have the plans for the monastery itself mostly drawn up, but I will be looking for a couple things to fit into the region. What would you want to do? Design and build or just help with excavation and building?

I'm really picky with design, but I do want things to add to the area around the monastery :)
I'll always need more hands with general things so if you help me with resource gathering and foundations and such, so that would be GREATLY appreciated as well.


Lord of Altera
you say this thing will be in the flatlands, but it's already in the middle of the ocean!
and as for what I want to help with, it's really just making the bricks, and possibly being able to make a place for my character to stay, probably somewhere in the caverns.


Resigned Admin
The region that I'm planning is HUGE, think of the area that we have now multiplied by like 90. Lars just gave us a place to work until he has time to start to terraform. Nothing in that area is finished, even the mausoleum will be moved.

What you're offering sounds great :)
Oh and let me know if you want me to develop a more interesting home for you than a cave.
What about taking shelter inside the hollow arm of a giant statue? Or living in a small treehouse in a glade of giant trees? Or in a hut in the middle of the willow fen? Even if you want a cave, we can do something really nice with its placement such as putting it overlooking the lake or maybe embedded in the peak of a mountain? Wandering Robin is already planning on living in such a cave ;)


Lord of Altera
huh. the arm sounds cool.
though really, what I'm thinking for the cave is a bit further underground. like, through all sorts of winding mines and tunnels deep in the earth.
like a cavern.


Lord of Altera
can i have a small part of the monestery, like a small house in the monestery grounds, like when its all done and i decide to stay. ?


Lord of Altera
Attention to all people working on this project: Nobody exept Tanara is alowed to question me and my methood of pitting a full stack in my farm tree furnce its easer and i don't have to refill, and speaking of tree farm i just expnded it ^^. also the workhouse is getting crowded of chests and furnces hehe mostly my fault i like organising


Resigned Admin
huh. the arm sounds cool.
though really, what I'm thinking for the cave is a bit further underground. like, through all sorts of winding mines and tunnels deep in the earth.
like a cavern.
I've prebuilt an arm and it will be a pretty awesome place to set up a small dwelling in.

The cavern could be a cool idea. I don't plan on having that many tunnels in the region, though. It'll be kind of difficult though due to the fact that we're in the flat lands. I could, however, incorporate your cavern into a secret section of the barrow region that I'm planning. Essentially, it'll be like five stonehenge-type things that have access to a system of tunnels that form a crypt/labyrinth underground. It'll be quite a large area and I could easily attach a cavern to it.
We can talk more about this later.

can i have a small part of the monestery, like a small house in the monestery grounds, like when its all done and i decide to stay. ?
We can also talk about this more later, but I won't allow any smaller buildings that aren't specifically planned in the monastic region.
I am hoping to create a homely inn along the roads to the monastery that you could easily take a permanent residency there as caretaker once completed. You're also more than welcome to take up shelter inside the residential quarters of the monastery, there will be more than enough rooms ;)


Lord of Altera
cool, lol (my tree farm isgetting annying the trees grow to big for easy takes.) being caretaker forthe inn is a perminent no, lol I'm more of a adventures type, i might go on a travel after the monestery. and the grownds


Lord of Altera
Attention to all people working on this project: Nobody exept Tanara is alowed to question me and my methood of pitting a full stack in my farm tree furnce its easer and i don't have to refill
what, the 8-charcoal-per-stack didn't work? :(


Resigned Admin
cool, lol (my tree farm isgetting annying the trees grow to big for easy takes.) being caretaker forthe inn is a perminent no, lol I'm more of a adventures type, i might go on a travel after the monestery. and the grownds
I'm going to contact you involving something for roleplay. As caretaker, you definitely wouldn't be expected to sit in the inn all the time. You could make it a self-serve inn and allow people to help themselves to rooms while you're off.

I'll be on soon.


Lord of Altera
ok my oak didn't grow so i took down my tree farm. it didn't grow cause of the conditions or something, butthe dark wood i found also growing i dunno who planted them but those are more tree farm meterial so i am now growing thos. I have enough oak saplings to grow a forest so Tantara, when we move and you need a forest i got it covered LOL