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Salheira Rainriver, Housekeeper of Vermella


Lord of Altera
Name and full titles: Salheira Rain-river, Housekeeper of Falandraal, Champion of Vermella, grabber of sword blades
Pronounced: Sal-EY-rah Rain River
Nicknames: Sal
New Rule: you cannot kill this character unless it's by sword through heart. I will not break my combo ever thisisajoke

Sal faceless.png

Age: 23
Gender: female
Race: caparii (red)
Sexuality: taken
Height: 5ft 0in
Weight: 175 lbs
Date of Birth: the 1st of Lightshine, 2242 Year of Outbreak
Homeland: long gone
Current Home: Falandraal, The Open Road
Current Status: Questing


Build: stocky. like that of a dwarf, but softer

Hair: thick brown fur covering her whole body. the hair on her head has grown longer, and shows as bangs over her forehead, and spills out from behind her hood.

Eyes: round, wide-eyed, and twitchy. she can't keep eye contact with other people, and often checks her surroundings for danger.

Skin: a darker brown than her fur, though one may barely notice, as most of the time, her skin is covered in either fur or scar tissue

Identifying Marks: fur burned off at left arm and face

Clothing: nothing, save for Eyota's shawl (see below)

Weaponry: "The Followers should not possess such tools. It is by cunning and strength there is defense"

Prized Possessions: see below.

Hygiene: she despairs at her inability to continue taking regular baths

Voice: she's quiet, but when she speaks, it's in a songlike, lilting dialect of Fey. her accent is incredibly thick when she speaks common.


Strengths: she's good at hiding, or at least, good at not being noticed. she's good at staying quiet, she's good at building houses quickly, she's good at finding food by any means necessary. while she's not what you would consider conventionally attractive, there are quite a few people who have found her attractive, or at least cute. people are often quick to trust her, and she often doesn't do anything to break said trust. her strict moral code gives her little room to question if her actions are just.

Fears: blades, arrows, fire, loss, betrayal
Weaknesses: she is too weak to properly fight, or even carry a heavier load such as a body. she can't speak well at all, something which does not go well with the sheer volume at which she talks. her strict moral code gives her little room to question if her actions are just. she does not know when to hold her tongue, and though she is not judgmental on many things, she is highly judgmental about very specific things, and has difficulty forgiving others.

Intelligence: despite not knowing many things of civilization, and having to ask many questions in casual conversation, she is in fact very intelligent. her wit shines through when she lies, or when she is in a situation she is familiar with.
she is also very wise for her age, a good trait for a religious leader to have.

Languages: she can speak Fae fluently (even poetically), but she still does not know some words in common, and she continually mixes up the syntax when she speaks.

Profession: Housekeeper (Vermellan equivalent of a High Priest)


Personality: distant and distrusting, is twitchy when around (some) people for too long. however, she seems perfectly willing to help others, and she is generous enough to give away most all of her possessions to someone who needs them.

she is highly manipulative, and a clever liar. by no means is she a compulsive liar. she saves her lies for when she truly needs them, because you gain more sympathy from being honest, and experience has told her that too many lies can pile up on you. experience has told her many things.

in most cases, she could not care about the wars between nations. it does not concern her, and she holds no loyalties to any flags or kings. however, she is highly opinionated, and will fight to her death when she sees something she perceives as injustice.

that said, she is bad at fighting, and she knows it. she would prefer to run, and live another day, than attempt to battle someone much stronger than her. if she is to fight, it will be with words. she will gather allies to her cause. play her weakness as a sign that she needs protection from her enemies. smile and bat her eyelashes and gain the sympathy of those who are stronger.

she is highly religious. many of her strongest personal convictions match the sacred tenements of her god, and many of her personal goals involve serving said god. oftentimes, especially when she is in grave trouble, she will start to mentally frame things in terms of the gods. perhaps its a coping mechanism, or perhaps she truly believes that the gods have their hands in every aspect of her life. not even she knows for sure.

Salheira has PTSD. if she's triggered, she will relive her traumatic memory, and fall under all the trademark symptoms of a panic attack.

Religion or Cults: HAIL VERMELLA

Alignment: Vermella (Righteous)

Short Term Goals: learn pottery, learn common

Long Term Goals: ensure her people are safe, serve Vermella

the mask is off.png



Place: underground
Pastime: meditating
Herb: mint
Food: meat
Drink: water
Colour: red
Animal: dogs

Least Favourite...

Place: the city
Pastime: fighting, with words or lethal force, and watching such fights
Food: cake
Drink: alcohol
Colour: none
Animal: none

Current Status:

in-game name: gabythedinogirl
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Lord of Altera
Relations and Affiliations


Tybalt @Tybalt : a dear friend, one she could trust with all of her life. they disagree on many things.

Robert Senatoor @ACU20 : Vermella has spoken: Robert was banished from the Followers.

Mila @Monster_Dan : shes not sure what to think of Mila anymore

Galenais @Minersrevenge : precisely the kind of friend you invite over to tea!

Maplehoof @Sovenas Ark : a good friend

Blunthoof @AusGremlinBoy : a good and loyal friend

Urg @Tomtomgags : a loyal and dead man

Maroo @??? : poor little girl

Hamish: perhaps he will be alright? but it does not seem right for him to live so apart from his own people.

Thiya @Jstar : she is beautiful, wise, witty, and hurt, and Salheira had developed rather inappropriate feelings for the white-furred caparii.

Amethyst @mokwar : a lady she had insulted once. she wishes to apologize.

Daeron @Jstar : the help he had given Salheira was vital. she is grateful to him for making her think straight again, and she greatly respects his wisdom.

Tzemik @Michcat : the mage is more of a distant goal than a person in Salheira's eyes. from what Daeron told her, she realized she had an entirely false impression of Tzemik's intentions with her.

Landir @The Courier : a sort-of friend among the Lavoyard, and a follower of Silas. she's impressed by the things that he knows. BACKSTABBER. RED-SPILLER. MADMAN.

Vlad @Sir Andrew Wallins : an ex-enemy, who she is very unsure of.

Elias Beaumont @223hero7 : a trusted ally and friend, the Exalt of Ignis

Mira Snowhorn @Estes241 : the first person she removed her mask in front of. Salheira hopes the northerner will help her to unite the caparii.

Chestnut @Bob_the_BuilderPet : she truly hopes that young boy won't get his heart too broken... and that he'll be wise enough to properly follow the Law of Red.

Old Family

all of her family died long ago... or so she thought.

Keiri Rain-River ("Dahlia"): she remembers her mother as a skilled huntress, fierce and strong, who would never give up a fight, and always fought for what she believed in. as far as she remembers, on that fateful day, Keiri had died battling the zealots, her last words being "run, Salheira! run away from here, and live!"

Arlia Rain-River: she remembers her second mother as somewhat of a meek person, but very stern. most of what she learned about Vermella, she learned from Arlia. she had always felt closer to Arlia, for though she was Keiri's flesh and blood, the huntress would usually be too busy to stay behind with family. the last thing she remembers of Arlia, was her getting shot with an arrow as the two of them tried to escape the attack.

"Dad": Salheira knows nothing of her father, but apparently, he was a traveling doctor.

New Family

(sister) Elfa Hansdotter @Hogo-Sha Kitsune : dearest sister
(sister) Morna Rhett @BrianAT16 : dearest sister
(sister-in-law) Therry @Exclaimer : ...

Eyota Engem @ForestRose : where have you gone?
Nyari Raine @Ruukasu Lawliet : stay here, stay safe

(daughter) Melosa @BrianAT16 : *motherly instincts intensify*
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Lord of Altera
"The Goddess of Red"
"The Caparii Queen"
"Goddess of the Blood Moon"

Goddess of Redstone, Blood, Life, Femininity, Guardians and Passion
Holy Symbol: A Frost Rose
Holy Colours: Crimson Red
Motto: Let the Blood Moon Guide you True
Alignment: Neutral Good

The Wisdom of Vermella:
< The Followers should not possess such tools. It is by cunning and strength there is defense >
< And it is defense in which one keeps themselves safe... >
< Attacking only leads to further bloodshed. >
< ... It is in cunning, strength and wisdom one keeps themselves and others protected. >
< Such as not bringing hostile forces into your den. >
< To follow the Law of Red, you must cease teaching the works of weaponry.>
< Step into the pool, and swear away from the spilling of Red, to the Law of Red. >
< This will be a single cycle for redemption... >
< Yet there will be no other. >
< ... You swear truely into the Law of Red. To break your oath will be irredeemable. >
< There is knowledge to be gained in the Path of Red... >
Tybalt Rhett: ...Forgiveness is necessary
Morganth Rhett: ..?
Tybalt Rhett: ...But all sin is paid for with an /equal/ punishment
... < This manner is disgraceful to that of Rahas. >
Tybalt Rhett: ...So you would let her walk away no punishment to her sins?
< You would be better following Harateth, Child. >
< The Path of Red is a path walked by those under one law in their heart. >
< It has been heard.. >
< But perhaps the one who needed to hear it most.. Was you. >
< The cloak rests on your shoulders now, Salheira. >
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Lord of Altera
Backstory (written before her first death):

she hates talking about herself, or talking in general. she doesn't trust people, or at least, she doesn't trust these people. thus, no one really knows what her deal is.

but, say she did trust someone, and say she trusted this person to keep a secret. and say that person enjoyed talking to her, and say she enjoyed talking to them. maybe then, after talking with her for a long long time, maybe that person would get a story.

the story would be told in bits and pieces, but, conversation after conversation, and if that person put the pieces together, they would find something like this:

she lived in a village as the daughter of a doctor and a hunter. she doesn't say whether her father was the doctor or the hunter, and she doesn't say what people populated the village, though you could assume they'd be caparii like her. these people lived in a cold place, where snow would fall most of the year. when she was little, she liked the full moon celebrations most of all, when the people of the village would strip off the cloak of civilization and howl with glee towards the night sky. they would dance and sing and beat the drums with valor. the hunters would bring meat, and they would cook it over a bonfire, and everyone would eat and be merry.

in the center of the village was a house, though none of the villagers lived in it. that house was reserved for their queen, the Lady of Red. she'd often come to the house, but you couldn't see her. you could only feel her presence. the people would bring her offerings of food and bone once every month, the day after the full moon. "Gabriela" would often find herself in that house, and she says she liked being there. it was full of red, and full of love, and sometimes the elders would find her in the morning, sleeping soundly on the floor.

people came. evil people, bald, full of malice, shouting words that she didn't understand. those words were "heretic" and "monster". she still does not know what those words mean.

the people destroyed everything. she doesn't know who among her people escaped like she did. from that point on, she wandered.

and… if she trusted that person a great deal, she would tell them something else.

she would tell them that she is trying to find the Lady of Red again. she knows that the Lady of Red will reappear, so long as she has a house to live in. that is why she's gathering red. to build a house.

and if they asked her if the people in her village looked like her, she might say that of course they did. but if she was very close to that person, she'd say of course they didn't. during the day, they were of all kinds. but that was why the full moon celebrations were so important. because then, when they threw off their cloaks, they would be reminded of the thing that made them like each other. the gift of their queen, to be Red and joyous, like the animals of the wilds.

and maybe, after all her secrets were revealed, she'd draw close to that person and whisper "my real name… is Salheira Rain-river."
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Lord of Altera
Acquired Items
Salheira has never needed to keep an item for long, being nomadic as she was. since settling down, however... she has certain things she wants to keep. so she keeps them.

Vermella's Shawl
a shawl that was given to the late Eyota Engem by the goddess Vermella. it's made of the finest possible leather, and is without any imperfections or even any noticeable seams. it has no other special qualities, besides its cultural and sentimental significance. this has replaced Salheira's old shawl.

now has a singular hole, near the bottom.
now slightly singed on the left side, offering a slight discoloration.

Salheira's Items:
she keeps these items in a small brown cloth pouch that she carries over her shoulder. (the pouch is definitely waterproof) (don't ask me how, I've been working myself silly over the mechanics for weeks now) (all I know is, she can swim without getting all her things soaked)

-a prayer book, written by Salheira
-food rations, mainly dried vegetables and salted meats. Salheira regularly goes to replenish this before she sets out on a journey
-a single feather, the hairs of it stuck together through the years
- a remarkably extensive book on pottery, given to her by Daeron

Second Pouch:
bought with Salheira's own money on a small shopping trip into Tambry, this pouch contains the books, ink, and papers she purchased while on her trip. in this pouch is:

- five notebooks, small enough to carry, large enough for single sheets of paper to be possibly pasted on message boards.
- a writing quill
- a collection of folded-up papers, just in case

"Fuzzy" Rain-River

Fuzzy is a juvenile seabird, whom Salheira has adopted. as far as baby seagulls do, Fuzzy is really big, about the size of a small dog. this is because Fuzzy is an albatross.

Fuzzy likes fish and warm things.

Fuzzy has grown up now, and flown away
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Lord of Altera
introduction from the Whitelist Application (kept in the journal for sentimental reasons)



The round pupils darted up and down, keeping to a steady rhythm, closely following every drop of water from its genesis at the top of the ledge down to the shimmering pool below. The creature was watching in wonder, like how a child sees the world for the first time. plip, plip, plip, the sound continues, like music. there is a certain beauty in how the drop appears, grows, stretches forward, then falls, leaving a small piece of itself behind to grow again. it is like the cycle of life and death.

A crash, shouts from the pirates below, and her attention is unfortunately diverted. Her wide, round eyes look down at the scene below her. It’s only a ship entering the dock, but of course, this place being what it is, that ship is a ship filled with stolen Passions and cruel killers. these people are strange to her, as is this country she has found herself in. they work outside harmony, and they live in unholy patterns. the markings and idols they worship are traitors, their wars meaningless, their voices in a language utterly grating to her ears.

She does not like these people.

she quickly darts away from her rocky perch above the docks, crawling into the small, winding tunnels that the pirates still haven't filled with wood and beds, even after all these years. the cove is... a pleasant place to stay for the moment. it reminds her of home, with the freezing, salty wind from the east, the vast underground caverns that crisscross each other and carve the stone into a spiderweb. she can even hear the howls of wolves sometimes, far off in the distance. but of course, that could simply be her imagination, homesickness and grief.

it's the inhabitants that ruin this place. otherwise, she'd be perfectly willing to settle permanently, become an ordinary member of society. have a home, raise a family. involve herself in politics. build a manor, rich in red and suitable for her queen, perhaps, and maybe rebuild her village. but she knows the people here do not respect her. physically, she is weak, and she does not speak the language. she wears too few clothes to even seem like a person. if the people of this cove found her, she could very well die.

the other cities, with their streets of cobblestone and tall, strong towers are worse. there are people who walk there who know what her kind is. those people killed her kind. called them "heretics," whatever that word means, and destroyed the home of their queen. the people in the cities respect those robed killers, even revere them. no, she will not go to the cities. If this cove is dangerous, then civilization is a trap waiting to spring on her. she would rather take her chances with criminals and wild beasts.

beyond all else, she needs to gather her materials. procure the red she needs to rebuild her queen's home. find a place to build in peace, and find people who may respect her, so perhaps they can aid her, should the robed killers ever return to finish what they started.

pat, pat, pat. she freezes. someone else is in the tunnels. her reminiscing has made her careless, and she has been spotted.
she quickly turns around to face the threat full-on. assess if it is worth it to run or to talk her way out.
it is only a child. a bald-faced child, who likely belongs to either the pirates, or some poor woman they have brought here. the child looks at her like this is the first time he has ever seen something like her in his life. he alone is harmless, but children have loose lips. he could tell the others about the naked goat-girl hiding in the tunnels. then they'd come for her.

she gets up from her crouch, so as to show the child that she is taller than him, if only by a little. the child only stares in wonder. then, he says something. it's in common, that grating language, so she struggles to understand.

she is sure that he is asking her what she is.

"caparii," she responds in her broken approximation of his language, heavily tinted by her accent.
"sorry. no speak, well."
the child is confused. she repeats her self, carefully enunciating every syllable. "I. am. Cap. ar. rii. no. speak. well. no speak."

the child laughs, before saying something in a sneering tone, and running off into another branch in the tunnels.

the ingrate.

she turns, and quickly dashes away, deeper into the tunnels. she knows these tunnels well, knows the places they lead to, and there is no way she could get lost. she must act quickly now. gather her supplies from their hiding place, and put them in her bag. she must stow away on the next ship leaving the cove, and hope they don't see her when they leave to pillage another village.

it seems her brief visit has ended. a pity.

((A Note: I never quite said this, and assumed it was implied, but the setting of this passage is Cutthroat Cove, the pirates' den where the Tideborne family ruled. Obviously, I never claimed Sal could get there IC, and she's never had any reason to. therefore, you could consider this passage to be canon, or consider it non-canon.))
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Lord of Altera
Images (cough caparii nudity)(warning big images)(all pictures are mine unless otherwise stated)(click for full view):

annoying goats.png
(Scardrac doesnt know how to have fun)
Holy Hell.png
(I have many ship pictures by now, but this is the best and most canon)
cute sal.png
I dont remember how this mental image of Salheira being petted and wagging her tail like a puppy happened, but it did.
the mask is off.png
after removing the mask of Loutra Riviere.

People Salheira has Kissed(this was entirely necessary):
  1. Garet Solis
  2. Mila Walterius
  3. Morna Rhett
  4. Robert Senatoor
  5. Jayden Dormus
  6. Eyota Engem
  7. Luna Lupi Cor
  8. Nyari Raine
  9. Corvus Ventus
  10. Dartrale Wren
  11. Vlad Wallins
the amazing part is how she doesn't have a reputation as a wench by now.
this is like, peak feminism.

if you guys didn't figure it out by now, italics means that things happened.
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Lord of Altera

to avoid any confusion as to what Salheira is capable of!

Overall: terrible

Hand-to-Hand Combat: she had to focus really hard not to break her wrist throwing a punch
Bladed Weapons: utterly unable to use them
Bows and Crossbows: ditto
Dodging Attacks: she has some crazy luck in that regard.

Overall: very good

Perception: alert and aware, especially when she feels threatened.
Stealth: a natural. uses brown fur color to her advantage, can stay very still and quiet for prolonged periods of time.
Evading Enemies: in a forest, cavern, or crowded city, she can run quickly and knows very well the sort of tricks she can use to lose a pursuer.
Wilderness Survival: can find food for herself in a jungle, but on the plains or in cities, she'd have to beg or buy food. fur and cloak help her stay warm in cold climes, and she knows the wilderness well, being raised in it.
Climbing: can climb rocks and trees with relative ease. has a strong grip, and a good sense of balance.
Swimming: average

Overall: mediocre

Sewing: knows how to patch up torn clothing, can make haphazard pieces
Gardening: good enough to keep plants alive, and harvest crops
Stonecarving: impressive. really impressive.
Painting: decent (though she never uses it)
Sculpture: depends on the material:
clay: learning. has read extensively, not yet practiced.
stone: yes
wood: maybe
Salheira and Art
Salheira’s main talent is in stonecarving. The Houses of Vermella are proof enough of her ability to forge palaces from stone with little more than a few sharp tools, time, and determination. If she focused herself, she could also carve simple decorative reliefs in the walls, and she’s done so when the need arose. However, this talent does not translate well in other fields. Stonecarving requires force where other artistic fields require delicacy and patience. Salheira lacks that delicacy and patience, and its one of her greatest frustrations in art. Were she working with clay, she might press too hard, and work too quickly to finish it. She’s punched holes through the paper before when trying to compose an illuminated manuscript. Even when writing, she rushes through the script, and her letters have been known to have plenty mistakes.

Overall: good enough

Speaking Common: getting the hang of grammar structure, is usually understood by most.
Speaking Fae: very good. she is often taken by bouts of eloquence.
Making New Friends: judging by her track record, very good
Trustworthiness: good
Defusing Hostile Situations: pretty good actually
Winning Arguments: no
Lying: a master. she rarely lies, but when she does, she mixes it with just enough honesty to get her target to believe her wholeheartedly, trusting her even as she plans to betray them.

Overall: below average
Mental Disorders: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Salheira has trouble sleeping, and sometimes has confusing, frightening nightmares. if triggered, she starts to remember that moment from her past. in the intensity of the memories, her senses get dulled to the real world: she doesn't hear what other people are saying, she doesn't see the landscape in concrete forms. she only knows there is a wall here, ground here, water here, a voice there. at the same time, she becomes hyperaware of any movement (though she cant identify it as anything but movement), getting startled and fleeing if something rushes towards her. her breaths and heartbeat grow faster, her pupils contract, sometimes she starts trembling, and her muscles tense in a flight-or-fight instinct. she also sometimes starts shouting words she heard on that day: "heretic! monster! <Fae: Salheira, run away!>"
she could calm down in one of two ways: either she is made to feel safe, or someone forces her to focus on reality again. being threatened or attacked would simply make her more afraid. over time, if nothing happens, the flashback starts fading, and she calms down, though she would still be distraught.

she eats mint leaves to try and calm her nightmares.
as she understands it, the memories of that moment are malicious, and seek to take over her mind at the first opportunity. @Sybbyl Dorothy Plug has explained to her that a "flashback" would cause anybody to start reliving a memory, and that the reason for these flashbacks is likely because her mind still does not fully understand that moment. this explanation makes more sense to her than what she knew before, and she is considerably relieved to know that this is something that does not only plague her, that others have studied it, given it a name, theorized as to its origin. it makes the condition feel more curable.
Triggers: blades (straight edge, covered in blood, steel, held in someone's hand), arrows (being drawn, angled in her direction), fire (uncontained, burning something), black robes (especially with red fabric around the neck), family (less of a trigger now that she has found a new family) (she prefers to say "kin")

Emotional Stability: low
Memory: terrible with regards to (non-caparii) faces. if she hasn't seen someone in a long time, it may take them introducing themselves by name for her to recognize them, even if they were close friends in the past. even then, she might completely forget someone after a long time. if it has made a huge impact on her life, however, you can bet your lucky stars she remembers it, even when she doesn't want to.
Calming Down: very bad, often needs a concerned friend holding her in order to feel safe again.
Sleep: bad. she still has nightmares, especially when sleeping alone.
Jishrim Susceptibility: were it not for Vermella's blessing, it'd be... pretty high.

Overall: low

Can Read/Write?: yes
Nobility: zero
Etiquette: zero
Warfare: zero
Mathematics: zero
History: zero

Science: basic (and only with regards to plants and animals)
Medicine and Anatomy: basic
Geography: spotty
  • in nature, there is a balance that must be upheld.
  • all things in nature seek survival before anything else
  • everything that is alive has blood. everything that has blood is alive
  • the earth itself is alive, and a living being in its own right. its blood is redstone.
  • "blood" is anything that carries the energy of life. a living thing dies when it loses its blood.
  • presumably, you could revive someone by giving them new blood, but as blood only comes from living beings, doing so would be difficult.
  • undeath is not the same as life, because the undead do not bleed
  • the earth is surrounded by an endless sea. this sea swirls around the earth, sometimes bringing comfort, sometimes bringing pain
  • the sea has two sides: the water, and the air. this is why the sky is blue.
  • there are two basic kinds of living things: there are animals, that bleed red, and plants, that bleed sap.
  • redstone is not fluid, but it is red, leading one to believe this makes the earth an animal.
  • birds and fish are a part of the same group of animal, as both are best at home in the endless sea
  • all sickness comes from a wound, be that wound in your physical body, or in your mind. without wounds, the body can heal quickly, so to cure someone, you must first heal their wound.
  • doctors know the things that can heal more subtle wounds, but Salheira has no idea what those might be. from experience, she notes that the soothing smell and taste of mint leaves seems to heal mental wounds, and that applying pressure to a wound stops it from bleeding, and helps it heal.
  • the healing potions seem to heal, but feel as though they harm. Salheira believes this is because the potions put too much of a strain on the natural healing proccess.

Agriculture: basic
The Arts (art history): zero
Music: zero
Religion: knows every god, a few of them even personally, knows the basic myths associated with them. knows nearly everything about Vermella

[her knowledge of the arts, religion, and her ability to read and write is based on her backstory of living in a mainly religious village. the village was much like a monastery, and in medieval times, the monks living in monasteries were often taught to read and write, as well as trained in how to paint (they were the ones who made illuminated manuscripts). thus, I would assume that most of the people in that village learned to paint, read, and write to at least some degree, as well as being taught stories of the gods at an early age]
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Lord of Altera
Special Notice on using the "Skills" format I made!

that section was designed specifically around Salheira Rain-River. when i tried adapting it to other characters of mine, I similarly tailored the categories specifically to those characters.

if you want to use it for your characters, remember that since the "template" you're using is designed specifically with an uncivilized, mentally ill, pacifistic caparii in mind, you're going to have to add and remove categories in order to best optimize the Skill section for your character.

(if I will be honest, the Skills page on this profile is a lot more like a generic template that Salheira's, though it's still designed with a noble in mind.)

I'll try to help by synthesizing a "template" down below, but please remember that this is explicitly designed to be a freeform report, not a questionnaire.

How to use:
This is a Category
Overall: this is a summary of the character's skills in that category. you can omit this if you please

Example A: this is a specific skill. what follows would generally be a description of the character's degree of prowess in that skill.
I place expanded explanations of a particular skill under spoiler tags. typically, these expanded explanations explain why the character has the skillset that they do (Example: why are they skilled at sculpting with stone, but not with clay?)


(any skill used exclusively in combat, killing, bar brawls, or any situation of violence is a Fighting skill. includes: Swordfighting, Hand-To-hand, War Training, Archery, Daggers, Hammers, Polearms, Dueling, Subterfuge, etc. get creative)


(Survival skills are skills that would keep you alive in the wilderness or in a situation of extreme danger. includes stealth, spelunking, fishing, first aid, improvisation, etc.)


(any skill that results in the creation of an object, be that a sketch, sculpture, weapon, or clay pot, is a "Crafting" skill)

Overall: good enough

("Social" involves the sort of skills that help you in interacting with someone else, and includes such qualities as humor, wit, trustworthiness, and wisdom, as well as the ability to defuse a hostile situation, make new friends, or lie. I used this section to illustrate my character's strengths or difficulties in specific social situations, so this section can get a little weird)

Mental Disorders:
(should your character have a mental disorder, be sure to describe how it affects them specifically here. go into as much detail as you need.)

Emotional Stability:

("Psychological" is a broad assessment of your character's mental and emotional stability, including such "skills" as being able to control themselves, handle a stressful situation, go to sleep at night, drag themselves out of bed in the morning, remember deadlines, remember people, etc. Jishrim Worshippers have fun.)

Overall: low

(Education applies to just about anything you can learn from a book or a teacher. I put a whole slew of examples below, but by no means does this encompass the vast array of subjects that your character could have been educated in.)

Can Read/Write?:

The Arts:


Formal Writing:

Trade Skills: (in case you're in a situation where a character learned how to do blacksmithing, but their actual skill in making a sword is pitiful)

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Puppycat Herder
Staff member
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My that's a lot of reserved posts~

Also... *settles in*


King ForumStalker
If her writing skills are anything like I remember, then 11 pages would barely hold the awesome, let alone 11 posts.

*Unpacks his tent and raises his flag*