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Altera RP illustrated


Lord of Altera
Images of the characters, situations and funnies that exist in Altera, centering mostly around Rue and her group. Events will possibly become illustrated once I get better acquainted with my drawing program.

Meet Rue:
hollow world ruejpg.jpg

Rue's Twin, memory of Betrayal.
rue and twin.jpg

Pouting contest Rue vs Dreig; RUE WINS
pouting contest.jpg

Cuddle Theif (Rue stealing cuddles from Dreig.)
cuddle stealer.JPG

old wounds.jpg

"When Death takes me by the hand, I will smile softly, so that the memory of me will live on in warmth and love, and ease the mourning of my dearest ones."

Rue, Landir; Confession

Aewin, Rue; Presketch.
(Not done yet and needs a lot of editing~) @Lannis

Drecius, 18yrold Rue, Jealousy Sketch @Scardrac

Aewin, Rue; Not a Morning Person
Another really quick sketch on paper. Yeayea bodyproportionssuckyaddaImsorry.
But yeah, a bit of head-crack-cannon here. Was trying to get that look of "The ship better be under a bloody siege. If not. GTFO." @Lannis
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Lord of Altera
Gelyk, Lyra; Sequestered
rue gelyk 1.jpg
And the proud Lord of Oren has sequestered away a small treasure, safe behind ice and snow.
;Real quick drawing I did while bored outside, lotsa mistakes I know took me about 30 mins so dont hate me.;

Lyra; 5'3", small chested but makes up for it with flaring hips. Elven but hides her ears with her bangs, her hair a dark brown that appears black in low lighting and is very straight, but has reddish hues to it in the sun. She wears a blind to protect overly sensitive eyes and has a very raspy, hoarse voice she rarely uses. She writes instead, to keep from hurting her voice. Her talent is cooking, and she aspires to become a ranger someday.~

@Arken @Somnastra @Deash12 @TheDeester
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The Courier

Lord of Altera
Aye, since you want me to say it-

You have absolute permission to use my character Ovar Sif Sigurd [Landir] for your art and have full permission to alter them to however fits the illustration.