Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Taelin's Trade Shop


Lord of Altera
Maybe I should visit this wonderful shop sometimes. Especially for the food; It sounds like music to my ears not having to cook for Haroall for at least a day.

Mad Hatter

All is as it should be.
I enjoyed your baked goods immensely, very fresh with lots of sweet goodness and a great price. :D I must have you by for some mead once I've finished my renovations. Being as we are neighbours in the Sorrows. If you ever need saplings, garden plants, flowers, or greenhouse supplies I will happily help you out even if my place is still under construction :)

Taelyn Adelei Saeradan

Lord of Altera
I enjoyed your baked goods immensely, very fresh with lots of sweet goodness and a great price. :D I must have you by for some mead once I've finished my renovations. Being as we are neighbours in the Sorrows. If you ever need saplings, garden plants, flowers, or greenhouse supplies I will happily help you out even if my place is still under construction :)
That's great, thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed your goods and I'll be sure to come to you if I need any greenhouse supplies and stuff.