Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Christmas Feast!

Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
It is set to the tune of Greensleeves which is Elizabethan.
Hmm. Well, what do other Alterans think? Is is suitible for a medieval song?
And Bluebird, would you be willing to type it in on the feast day after we have eaten? If not Abbeyive would you like to sing it?

Master Pheonix

Lord of Altera
I will not break my word. I rarely do, ask Bellon.
If I said I would in all likelihood attack, you would die. But I promise I will not begin any disruption at this party
I can vouch for Shadow, since I have know him for ages and we used to be in the same town at one point, and we were pretty good friends, still are I hope :p


Lord of Altera
MC Name: mrbubbles1951
RP Name: mrbubbles
Rank (Eg Villager, Knight etc): King's Hand​
Town: Bane​

EDIT: 1 what day is it gonna be hosted on and what time :p (its prob in post jsut dont see it)​


King ForumStalker
MC Name: Itzzaboy
RP Name:
Itzza Winterborn
Rank (Eg Villager, Knight etc): King's Hand
Town: Vallus Rex

I don't mind being a guard on the day, as long as I get some noms!

Mario Mluigifish

Lord of Altera
Ok you CAN bring dates if they apply for the invites
Bubbles, it might not be on Saturday, depends who can make it or not. Time will be some time between 6-9 PM GMT probs or 9-1 Am/pm I want people to recomend times which suit them.
Bubbles, Itzz, Ploot youre in.
Itzz, you will get food if you are a gaurd.


Magus of Nothing
MC Name: jakp25
RP Name: Jak, Seneschal of Darkwood
Rank (Eg Villager, Knight etc): Villager

Town: Darkwood


Roleplay keeper
damit thought i was sunday.. then i dont think i can make it =/
i hope so but i wont promiss and it will sure be late befor i come if i can