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Garet Solis Character Profile (dead)

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  • I don't know that mofo.

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Lord of Altera
Name: Garet Solis DEAD
Full Titles: Knight, "Heretic",


XDKaas made the the non-anime one.


Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Social Status: Why does everyone hate him???? *sobbing noises are heard*
Sexuality: Straight?
Height: 6'3
Weight: 170 (mostly muscle)
Date of Birth: Not Yesterday
Date of Death:Not today
Homeland: Al'bathor
Current Home:One in Lydel, he's also nomading around the world, spreading Vermella's word. (outside of Dynmap)

Build: Muscular, Broad Shouldered
Hair: Dark Brown, looks Black.
Eyes: Black Eye that could stare a hole into a black hole.
Skin: Fair, not pale, but not especially tanned either.
Identifying Marks: No Right eye, got cut off, several cuts all around his body from many window breakings...
Appearance: Kind, Carefree, Handsome, looks tough cuz of the eyepatch
Clothing: What is above it includes a veil and hood
Prized Possessions: His Sword, Gloom Wight, and his armor.
Hygiene: Clean, might smell faintly of roses. I know that sounds stupid but its true...
Voice: Meh
Weaponry: Gloom Wight, his long sword. Solid steel dagger about 9 inches long, its black steel as well.
detail_321_detail_321.jpg Also a chainmail and boiled leather thing, with an iron halfhelm

Strengths: Very Strong, Great With A Sword,
Fears: The Cathedral and Corruption spreading, and Bunny Rabbits, its a long story.
Weaknesses: Pretty Women, Eye Cutting.
Intelligence: Excellent Reader, Undecided, he makes stupid decisions but can be smart.
Languages: Common, Fae, and bits of Elven and Mok
Profession:Body Guard,Soldier, Vermella's Knight, or Knight of Vermella.

Personality: Kind, Carefree, Young, easily Angered, but Calmable, decently Clever
Religion or Cults: Vermella, and any other non-corrupt gods.
Alignment: I will put this in later.
Short Term Goals: Become not hated?
Long Term Goals: Vermella! @gaby

Quality of Friends over Quantity (because he is hated so bad)

Place: Aellyr and Al'bathor
Pastime: Eating! Flirting with girls, reading, practicing swordsmanship.
Food: Turkey Bacon and Venison Jerkey (meat)
Drink: Wine. (Favorite tasting Markorath Rum but bad history etc)
Colour: Dark Colors, Black preferably, and red.
Animal: Horses, Cats, Panthers, Albatrosses

Least Favourite...
Place: The Cathedral
Pastime: Doing nothing.
Food: Asparagus.
Drink: Markorath Rum. He loves the taste but he has a bad history with it.
Colour: Piss yellow. Ewwww
Animal: Dogs. Especially Scardrac @Scardrac

Gabriella A.K.A Salheira- He used to love her, but he's gotten over it. He did give up his lifestyle for her and her god, and they have a strong relationship @gaby

Grace- Garet doesn't like to talk about his dead ex-girlfriend. #stillmourning .@Depressed_Monkey

Rose- I wuf her! :heart: @firegirl356879 (too bad im dead)

Tybalt- Tybalt and Violet took care of him for a month or two when he was 9, after he ran away from Al'bathor. Garet trust Tybalt, and now feels guilty for past actions he's done. He once thought Tyb was a superhero or some shizzle like that, then he hated him for insulting Rob, and now he hates Rob..., and Garet wants to make up for his actions. @Tybalt

Violet- She took care of him as a child, doesn't know her very well but sees her as a friend, now that she's lost her memory he doesn't think much of her... @Sybbyl

Robert- Garet once looked up to him once, but now he wants him to die. The very sight of him makes him twitch and... well dark thoughts. @ACU20

Lizzy- That clueless wench was married to Rob! He had women in their bed! Garet doesn't like her too much due to Rob, and thinks she is lack-wit or something

Dresden & Solveig- Dresden raised Garet alongside Solveig. Dresden is Garet's uncle but he thinks of Solveig and uncle and Dresden his father.Now, Garet had Solveig's wife at swordpoint. Instead of hating Solveig, he feels bad for him and being blinded by Rob. Poor poor, Solveig. Garet doesn't know what Dresden thinks of him.@RecklessSquid @mineturtletrap

Calcifer- That's not the kid I knew... @Bob_the_BuilderPet (lol me and me alt met.)

Murdoc- Garet doesn't know him very well, but he sees him as a strong ally and one not to be reckoned with. @Ouderless Block

Therry and Elfa- Garet knows they are good friends of Salheira's, so he trust them. He doesn't know them well enough otherwise to have any other opinions. @Exclaimer

Brogan- Garet thinks Brogan is pretty cool, though abit Reckless. Brogan also got Garet drunk one time and Garet did some things he regrets. Therefore, Garet wants to punch Brogan all the time, but Brogan is like-able, so Garet thinks hes okay. @BarbarianGaming

The Tidebornes- Uh... not sure what to think of those mofos

Gregor- Garet's best friend, next to Salheira @GregorWaldstein

Ari- Garet thinks she's a prostitute and has no respect for her at all.(he still thinks shes hot.)

Mila- What? I can't please her! @Monster_Dan

Scardrac- Garet doesn't like him, but he chooses his words and actions carefully around him.

Lokhan- *Sigh* Garet just wants to cut off all connections with Lokhan. Lokhan cut his eye out, but Garet doesn't hate him as much as he should. He still hates the sight of him.

Alaon- Garet is friends with her but is trying to cut relations to her due to some RP reasons...

Gelyk- He seems abit pushy....

Corvus- I don't know much about him. Though I don't know anything GOOD about him, he punched Calcifer and destroyed somebody's precious gem. Vandal!

Ashley- Met her at the crossroads, ruined her dress, paid for it, she seems nice.

Thombur- This charismatic halfling owns a library, and is pretty funny and cool. Nice company, decent friend. @Holy_Bejebus


If I forgot someone or you want to know about your char please tell me :D

BACKSTORY: His dad died before he was born and his mom died giving childbirth and stuff so his uncle took him in and stuff and then he ran away when he was 9 cuz he didnt wanna be givin to the marrs cuz they wanted a squire and dresden stuff. then he came back and stuff and stuff happened and he likes albathor now. (I'm tired, I can't write right now)

"We're going to WHOOP YOUR ASS!"


"I can handle i- AHHHHH"
"I uh... like you... *heat of the moment kiss*" (he got rejected lel)
"I'm uh... Garet" *stares at the beautiful woman before him*

INSPIRATIONS: Jon Snow/Robb Stark

My in-game name is: BuilderPet

Ignore the attatched Files.



Last edited:


Legend of Altera
16, jeeze don't you think that's a little young to be able to withstand the excercise, responsibility, and leadership that comes with being a knight and captain?


Lord of Altera
16, jeeze don't you think that's a little young to be able to withstand the excercise, responsibility, and leadership that comes with being a knight and captain?
He has friends, Rob appointed him. And it works out. *doesnt have much free time*


Lord of Altera
Name: Garet Solis
Full Titles: Captain of Guard-Aellyr, Knight, of Al'bathor.

Age: 16
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Social Status: Not sure. Some hate some love
Sexuality: Straight?
Height: 6'4
Weight: 170 (mostly muscle)
Date of Birth:
Date of Death:Not today
Homeland: Al'bathor
Current Home: A house in Aellyr and Al'bathor.

Build: Muscular, Broad Shouldered
Hair: Dark Black.
Eyes: Black Eyes that could stare a hole into a black hole.
Skin: Decently Tan... erm
Identifying Marks: None, no scars.
Appearance: Kind, Carefree, Handsome?
Clothing: Winter cloak, I'll post some pictures down here
Prized Possessions: His Sword, Gloom Wight.
Hygiene: Clean.
Voice: Gruff
Weaponry: Long Sword, Gloom Wight, Black Dagger, Small sheild about a foot in diameter that rest on his arm. He has 3 sets of armor.
Heavy Dark PlateView attachment 46981
Light, What he usually Wears
View attachment 46984
And MediumView attachment 46983

These are all random images from Google Images... So yeah :)

Strengths: Very Strong, Great With A Sword,
Fears: The Cathedral and Corruption spreading.
Weaknesses: Pretty Women.
Intelligence: Excellent Reader,
Languages: Common, Fae, and bits of Elven and Mok
Profession:Body Guard,Soldier, Captain of Guard for Aellyr,

Personality: Kind, Carefree, Young, easily Angered, but Calmable.
Religion or Cults: Vermella, and any other non-corrupt gods.
Alignment: I will put this in later.
Short Term Goals: Figure out this caca with Salheira and Rose
Long Term Goals: Living a Decent Life with a Nice Wife :D

After the emotional conflict was over, his personality split into 2 parts, the aggressive side, and the peaceful side. [Queues will be given when he is in either one, should be obvious]

Place: Aellyr and Al'bathor
Pastime: Eating! Flirting with girls, reading, practicing swordsmanship.
Food: Turkey Bacon and Venison Jerkey
Drink: Water
Colour: Dark Colors, Black preferably
Animal: Horses, Cats, Panthers.

Least Favourite...
Place: The Cathedral
Pastime: Doing nothing.
Food: Asparagus.
Drink: Markorath Rum. He loves the taste but he has a bad history with it.
Colour: Piss yellow. Ewwww
Animal: Cats... but he loves cats so i dunno

Loves: Gabriella/Sahleira and Rose
Loved: Erm... Violet? In a motherly way, and kinda Tybalt in a fatherly way before he screwed that up.
Cares for in a family sort of way: He cares deeply
Trusted: Tybalt, Robert... Dresden, Solveig... uh...
Good friends:Robert, Dresden, Solveig
Befriended: Robert, Calcifer, Dresden, Murdoc, (Tybalt but probs not anymore), Rose, Gabriella,
Liked: Everyone above and Brogan
Neutral:Anybody not mentioned, and some corrupt.
Unsure of: Most Corrupt, Gregor
Wary of: Gregor.
Afraid of: - Scardrac
Disliked: -Scardrac
Hated: House Tideborne, Ardy, Ardy, and Ardy. and Scardrac.


BACKSTORY: His dad died before he was born and his mom died giving childbirth and stuff so his uncle took him in and stuff and then he ran away when he was 9 cuz he didnt wanna be givin to the marrs cuz they wanted a squire and dresden stuff. then he came back and stuff and stuff happened and he likes albathor now. (I'm tired, I can't write right now)


My in-game name is: BuilderPet

@firegirl356879 @gaby @ACU20 @RecklessSquid
*trusts Tybalt and loves him like a father*

*throws him in jail for no reason and says he screwed up* xD I'm really not mad at Garet ooc or ic ......, but that petty guard of his on the other hand......


Legend of Altera
*trusts Tybalt and loves him like a father*

*throws him in jail for no reason and says he screwed up* xD I'm really not mad at Garet ooc or ic ......, but that petty guard of his on the other hand......
*looks at tybalt, being quite far away shouting*

"What did i do?"


Lord of Altera
@Helios Hmmm... 16 isn't too young, until this year in the UK you could join the army at 16 I believe, it only changed because they increased compulsory education time from 3-16, to 3-18. It's young, but quite reasonable. Maturity wise for leadership, it's perfectly possible. My nephew (Garet @Bob_the_BuilderPet ) is very mature I assure you! :D


Lord of Altera
*sniffle* That is the nicest thing you've ever said to me
@Helios Hmmm... 16 isn't too young, until this year in the UK you could join the army at 16 I believe, it only changed because they increased compulsory education time from 3-16, to 3-18. It's young, but quite reasonable. Maturity wise for leadership, it's perfectly possible. My nephew (Garet @Bob_the_BuilderPet ) is very mature I assure you! :D


Lord of Altera
You haven't always been enemies with us. In fact we've never done anything to lead you to think that, before you started hating on us for no reason, you considered working for us.