Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Lord of Altera
Log Horizon is 10x better if you've played MMOs and know the terms they throw around.

And the theme song is hilarious.


Log Horizon is 10x better if you've played MMOs and know the terms they throw around.

And the theme song is hilarious.
If this little piggy gets even more annoying I will watch it xD
Hottest girl in school falls in love with little fat kid..... Yeah I'm going to watch Log Horizon...

Log Horizon isn't dubbed? ..... I can't handle that..
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Yū Yi
I hate the Japanese language. Every serious situation sounds funny.... I just can't take it seriously.
I love the japanese language and I am currently studying it. But it seems you hate original dubs for the same reason I hate english dubs, but with a twist. All situations sounds so wrong and bad, it simply makes me want to punch something. I once left the room from a Ghibli movie and did homework instead, only because I couldn't stand the english dub.


Lord of Altera
I hate dubs with a passion :>
I love the japanese language and I am currently studying it. But it seems you hate original dubs for the same reason I hate english dubs, but with a twist. All situations sounds so wrong and bad, it simply makes me want to punch something. I once left the room from a Ghibli movie and did homework instead, only because I couldn't stand the english dub.
Im starting to love you more and more :p


Lord of Altera
The dubs are convenient, but subs are more true to the original content. Everyone has their preference, I actually like subs more now :3


Subs are just meh..... I find it hard to watch the show and read it at the same time it's just.. effort. Something that I lack...


Lord of Altera
I use subs for practice when the chat is flooded by fifteen people trying to RP without using whisper. Gotta read fast :p


Yū Yi
Subs are just meh..... I find it hard to watch the show and read it at the same time it's just.. effort. Something that I lack...
Reading and watching has become a natural reflex for me... Probably also because everything is english and when I was younger all I had was danish subtitles.