Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Inactive Morna - Ex-Bandit Leader


The Brainz
Retired Staff
Morna has slipped into a depression. Her lover committed suicide before her eyes only moments after telling her he loved her for the last time.
He has left her with a pocket watch and a sword for her son.
He did it because he wanted her to be safe and felt as if she wasn't with him around..

*Cries :heart:*


Lord of Altera
Eyota - Liked - She is a sweet girl that doesn't want anything to happen to Salheira. She has asked Morna to help her convince Salheira to stop doing something they both see as dangerous.


(why did this rp never happen)


The Brainz
Retired Staff
Ya snooze, ya lose. xD It was a very sad rp ;-; She was attacked in her sleep and tried to get away. She got a few good hits on him.... But in the end she died.......................*Cries*


Lord of Altera
Ya snooze, ya lose. xD It was a very sad rp ;-; She was attacked in her sleep and tried to get away. She got a few good hits on him.... But in the end she died.......................*Cries*
Snooze, Nahh. I just have crazy hypocritical pacifist try to kill me whenever I try :heart:


The Brainz
Retired Staff
The Story of Morna's Death
(Warning: Violent)
Morna awakens from her slumber with a cold dirk at her neck, Raigo leaning over her. Fear enters her eyes immediately and she stares into Raigo's eyes as he leans close to her ear. "Goodbye" he mutters sadly into her her ear as he goes to plunge the dirk in her neck.Immediately Morna moves her head to avoid it and gets a small cut on the left side of her neck. She goes to scream but Raigo quickly covers her mouth with his free hand.
Morna desperately reaches for the spear at the edge of her bed as Raigo goes to stab her neck again. Morna manages to wiggle free and avoid the dirk. She quickly grabs the spear and foes to stab Raigo with it but being at such a close distance she barely cuts his left arm. He quickly goes to grab Morna from the bed but Morna avoids him yet again leaping off the bed. She turns quickly and makes a slicing motion at his head. He easily ducks and avoids it. Then Raigo come up from the duck and stabs at her neck again. This time missing and hitting her jaw.
As he does this Morna also makes a stabbing motion with her spear and gets him good in one of his shoulders. She immediately takes the opportunity to run from the room. Raigo see this and thrusts his dirk hard into Morna's back, knocking her over onto her stomach. She tries to roll onto her back but Raigo places his boot on her back, pinning her down. He then reaches down to grab Morna's hair and pulls her head back. Tears now rolling down Morna's face as she breaths her last breath. She sees Raigo's face a moment before he cuts her throat and sees that he is crying too.
Morna lays on the floor, the life fading from her eyes she mutters, "R-robert.... Narali...." and dies. Raigo leans over the body inspecting it looking extremely sad. He then plunges his dagger into her back, leaving it there. Leans over her again and whispers softly "I'm sorry, but you wanted death" He sees a silver engagement ring on her finger and swiftly goes to remove it and exits the house in a rush.
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