Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Mayor Of Siren's Call


Lord of Altera
I, Azerath Atlantes, have gained the 'Key To The City', if you wish, to Siren's Call.
I am very honored, and plan on building it up and making it a thriving village. All I can say, is that, things can change people. Things can transform people. But one thing makes you stronger; Responsibility~
~Azerath Cerxes Atlantes, Mayor Of Siren's Call


Loyal Servant of Altera
You're welcome that I spent 50k on that town. :p (On plots. Bubbles bought the actual town.)


King ForumStalker
I love the way everyone just left and you became a free mayor :p

Only joking mate, you got a beautiful landscape to work with, so don't screw it up! Otherwise we may have to come find you...

We'll make sure to visit sometime and see what you're up to!


Lord of Altera
I love the way everyone just left and you became a free mayor :p

Only joking mate, you got a beautiful landscape to work with, so don't screw it up! Otherwise we may have to come find you...

We'll make sure to visit sometime and see what you're up to!
Trust me, I plan on making it a hot-spot for everything. ;)