Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

hey ya'll, can i go over yonder?

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1. Your Minecraft username:Kung_Fu_Koala
2. Your real name: none of your beeswax (Jonathan)
3. Age:16
4. Gender:ummm by my name i think you could guess (male)
5. Country:U S of the A

Have a great day!
6.) I have read the tome of citizenship.
7.) I don't really have any experience in roleplaying modes in minecraft, but i want to see what it is like.
8.) As you saw above, my name is Jonathan. I dont really have any hobbies, except playing Battlefield 3 and minecraft. Oh yea, I live in Sweet Home Alabama if you don't know where that is, LOOK IT UP, 'cause I ain't tellin' you. Anyway, I'm here... well... because im really bored, and because my old server (snowalliance) just got shut down. Is this 8 sentences? I guess not, because I see 5 preceeding sentences. Another thing about me is that i forget things easily so if i say your name on the chat box then i might just forget what i was going to say, and say something like "dedgummit! I don't remember what I was going to say!"
9.) I just made a project for my spanish class on minecraft. I built a model of Machu Picchu (but it looks nothing like it) i cant really get pictures of it, because my friend who hosted the server, which only he and i could access, shut it down for now.
10.) There ain't nuthin much left to say...
11.) Of coure. I read the rest of the thingamabobber before writing this very long speech.
12.) mcserverlist

And there we go!
Have a great day!
If anyone approves this application they will get demoted.
Dude... how rude can you be? ...I'm just wanting a server... and anyway, I bent over backwards making and checking that stupid post, I mean I have dyslexia and it is quite hard to read all that info. It's quite annoying when you fulfill all the requirements to the best of your ability and someone is so derogatory as to condemn anyone who actually approves of someone DOING WHAT IS REQUIRED! So, I would say that you reconsider your thoughts before insulting someone so harshly. Also after seeing how rude people can be on your server, I think it is pointless to even consider joining... I was thinking about giving at least $10 to the server I liked best... so I guess this ain't it.

I will still be kind to you and say:
Have a great rest of the day.


Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
Dude... how rude can you be? ...I'm just wanting a server... and anyway, I bent over backwards making and checking that stupid post, I mean I have dyslexia and it is quite hard to read all that info. It's quite annoying when you fulfill all the requirements to the best of your ability and someone is so derogatory as to condemn anyone who actually approves of someone DOING WHAT IS REQUIRED! So, I would say that you reconsider your thoughts before insulting someone so harshly. Also after seeing how rude people can be on your server, I think it is pointless to even consider joining... I was thinking about giving at least $10 to the server I liked best... so I guess this ain't it.

I will still be kind to you and say:
Have a great rest of the day.
That was a very well written response for someone with dyslexia.

If you had put as much thought into your application as you did this response you may have got in.

Your application was kind of weak - you seemed to pad out your sentences with waffle. Not much seriousness to it. Your reason for joining is that you are bored.

We have hundreds of applications to consider. If you really want to be part of this community then make an effort rather than wasting your time being rude to me. I'd love to know how you justify words like derogatory, condemn, rude and insulting? I was simply making sure my fellow admins didn't accept your bad application.

I've wasted more than I should on responding to you. If you want a second chance then tidy up your first post and change your attitude.

And please.. don't ever use the word Dude on my server.


King ForumStalker
I'm thinking I'll lock this original app. If you still want to apply then make a new one, but make sure to put the effort in this time!
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