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The 13th Sun

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Um what? Apparently I've been banned until tomorrow for quote "floating trees. i do not approve"..... I wasn't aware that I had left behind or created any floating trees.... Could someone please shed some light on this?


Le Original Queen
Connor is right. We are cracking down hard on the 'floating trees' as the Admin team has come to agreement that not only are they ugly, they are considered a form of griefing.

It is stated plainly in the Server Rules that you are not to do it. Wait out your ban. Appealing Temp bans is a little pointless. Wait it out, and in the future refrain from leaving floating tree tops.


Lord of Altera
:In defense:
I think the point here is not the time but the fact that the crime was not done. If I am acussed of stealing something in real life, it doesn't matter if it is a day or a year. The fact would be is that I am paying for an act I did not do. I have been playing with The13thSun ever since he joined the only tree he might of even touched was the ones in our town(Golden_Peak) before the walls. I think some evidence would be nice.
-Thank You


Lord of Altera
Its only a temporary 24 hour ban
Yes I'm aware. But the time does not fit the crime, cause no crime was committed.
I'll drop it, but I wonder why so many do not recall leaving trees behind. I think it would be a simple thing to remember.


<3 Hollow World
as far as I can tell there isn't a ban as I can't unban him :p So it's either expired very early or someone else has beaten me to it.


Le Original Queen
Yes I'm aware. But the time does not fit the crime, cause no crime was committed.
I'll drop it, but I wonder why so many do not recall leaving trees behind. I think it would be a simple thing to remember.
"I don't remember running that stop sign officer, you must be mistaken."

Yeah, like that'll hold up in a court of law. Keep in mind I realize that this is a game and not 'real life'

We don't ban on a Whim. Obviously someone found the tree top, checked it with Hawk, and the name came up as the offender.

As stated previously, this was a temp ban, so the appeal is pointless. We rarely ever lift a temp ban unless there was a severe misunderstanding. He fell victim to what I like to call "Black Sheep Syndrome". His 'crimes' came to light in a bout of temp bannings to get the point across that we are taking the Tree Top Leavings as a serious incident. Cherbert has made his point in game by doing a mass tele, and Annoucning how he feels about it. That said, this ban was a prime example of why not to leave tops around.

Intentional or not, remembered or forgotten, it happened. It's done and over with. Move on with your life and remember that while yes, you're having loads of fun here on Hollow World, it is, after all, just a game. Take your Temp Bans with a grain of salt and come back when the ban expires. It's not the end of the world.

Next time, Derek, leave the appeal to the actual accused. You're not his lawyer. Just because you guys cry for the evidence, doesn't mean we'll show every piece of proof we have for something as minor as a temp ban that didn't even last 24 hours.


<3 Hollow World
Nothing prevents people appealing a temp ban, it just might take longer for us to check the appeal than the ban lasts (as is the case here). There's no rule against appealing though.

Evidence isn't required in bans Derek although you're welcome to comment on appeals that doesn't mean we'll spend half an hour gathering screenshots etc for a short ban, I would rather the admin team were playing on the server than posting evidence in here for short bans.


Lord of Altera
one i do not have the evidence because if i printscreen something my minecraft crashes and two it was actually near golden peak and just to be stubborn i am going to hunt that tree down!

ok i went to where the tree was it was gone but oh well this is over now :p
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