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Inactive Morna - Ex-Bandit Leader


The Brainz
Retired Staff
Currently in a cell in Azerport... Having been betrayed... Again...
(Yes both of my current characters are in cells... ;-; )


Lord of Altera
"Hey Morna, Salheira told me to tell you to look for her. Uh... Good luck."
I never let my alts talk to each other though, because I only have one account which greatly decreases the capability of being able to have complex alt interactions.

also ppl will think its cheating if im Dahlia like "oh its you Salheira told me about you. jerk."
or Salheira like "Viktor told me you've been a major jerk lately Morna"

or Viktor like.... you get the idea.
and I rlly dont think Sal and Viktor would get along.


Lord of Altera
I never let my alts talk to each other though, because I only have one account which greatly decreases the capability of being able to have complex alt interactions.

also ppl will think its cheating if im Dahlia like "oh its you Salheira told me about you. jerk."
or Salheira like "Viktor told me you've been a major jerk lately Morna"

or Viktor like.... you get the idea.
and I rlly dont think Sal and Viktor would get along.
I was referring to how ironic it is that Morna got jailed, seemingly moments after you told me to tell her that.

Not gonna be able to do that now am I... :p


The Brainz
Retired Staff
Relations Update~

People have been slowly restoring Morna's faith... But she is more stubborn now.

Also... yet another attempt on her life... Making it even harder to get her back to good again.


Lord of Altera
Ylva - Wary As Hell - Her ex-fiance's girl friend. She seemed nice, then she put Morna in a cell. Then she helped Morna escape, but it was just to get Duva back. When Morna went to take Duva back Ylva refused to let her do it alone, going as far as to draw a dagger to her and the baby. Luckily people were nearby to help before the situation went to far.

Yeah after Morna made a big scene and this could of been easily resolved with a simple word. "Yes, you can come. But leave when I give her the baby" Dagger would of never came out to save/take the baby from Morna and give Duvaissel back to Mila was her number one priority. And yes, Ylva goin' to cut a Biotch if she has to ;)


The Brainz
Retired Staff
Ylva - Wary As Hell - Her ex-fiance's girl friend. She seemed nice, then she put Morna in a cell. Then she helped Morna escape, but it was just to get Duva back. When Morna went to take Duva back Ylva refused to let her do it alone, going as far as to draw a dagger to her and the baby. Luckily people were nearby to help before the situation went to far.

Yeah after Morna made a big scene and this could of been easily resolved with a simple word. "Yes, you can come. But leave when I give her the baby" Dagger would of never came out to save/take the baby from Morna and give Duvaissel back to Mila was her number one priority. And yes, Ylva goin' to cut a Biotch if she has to ;)
Yes... but perhaps you could have done a bit more convincing before you drew a dagger :heart:


The Brainz
Retired Staff
Draw dagger first, so your are protected so it's possible to ask questions later :p
Drew dagger and placed it on my neck.... But I don't hate her for it. She had the best of intentions... just went about it wrong.


Lord of Altera
I do everything for a reason~ And yeah, I could of went in differently. But I am also a caring mother~ Expect the unexpected :D