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Towny upkeep(taxes) and voting.

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Grand Architect
Sorry I might be overreacting, but thats because of the fact that i have put so much time in this city (as has every mayor) and now it will become very hard to expand. Sokken is also right we have barelly and residents who do quests and they dont like to vote (dont know why)now its like it forces them to.

I completely understand the upcoming system that they kinda want to purge the towns from inactive players but as bellon said expanding will be a tough cookie because new plots cost alot of cash (mayb reduce plot price)

Sorry i dont feel like forceing my residents to come online and if their on holiday thats their problem, invite kick invite kick is just alot of work te keep track off, Its like the server now controls who is in my town and who isnt. tax for tax is a bit to much i think. New towns will barelly make a stand then.


<3 Hollow World
Lars with everything else that's going on could we delay this until the start of the new year please mate? I just think that although it's not a lot of effort for players to go to it'd be nice to give them a bit more warning. Also I may have found a replacement for wurkit, although it does work slightly differently. I want to give it some testing first.


Grand Lizard
Plus every one will be spending time with their families and may not have time/want to go play minecraft/vote.


I think I might like it here
A lot of people seem to be focusing on that they won't be able to expand and their city would go bankrupt.
Well, in hard times, you unclaim some land, kick those inactive residents and strap in your waistbelt.

It doesn't make sense for a city with 10 active residents and 40 halfactive (half of them probably stopped playing) to be the size of Port Silver.
A lot of towns are recruiting new players solely for the purpose of expanding their town, which is against the ToC btw.

Personally I think the tax is okay, be it that it's a bit high to start off with. But let's test it for a while.


Lord of Altera
but setting the tax at 250 per person per day will weed out the non-active people who have just been invited for the extra plots


Zalenfal Guardian
I can see both the positive and negative sides of this addition, and personally I think it's a good idea. However, I'd like to input an idea as such for a possible improvement. Instead of charging the towns x per day, why not make it 7x per week? That way, the same amount will still be charged, but the residents will have the time to do enough work to earn the money to pay the dues to the town. In this way, people can choose to work for money for, say, 3 days in a week, and then build or whatever the other four. This is rather than having to do a certain amount of monetary work every single day (unless you have a lot of money already) in order to keep up the finances. People may just not want to work for money this much, as they may be in the mood to RP, build or mine.

Edit: I realise I completely forgot about the money from voting. But it can be substituted into working :p


The original mute
While I think taxes should be implemented, I disagree with them being set so high straight away. Perhaps set it at 50 per day then increase it slightly every month? That way people will have time to get used to it, and inactive members can be rooted out more easily.


Hollows Explorer
its a good idea, suits the rp aspect well however, some of us go out at the weekend and they might have no money in their minecraft banks, when they return they will be essentially a hobo


<3 Hollow World
its a good idea, suits the rp aspect well however, some of us go out at the weekend and they might have no money in their minecraft banks, when they return they will be essentially a hobo
Yes unless they had the basic level of intelligence required to plan 3 days in advance. We had taxes previously and it didn't cause a problem.


<3 Hollow World
I think what everyone is forgetting is that Lars is an incredibly fair person, he'll work this so it's easy for everyone who's vaguely active on the server. Have faith folks ;)


The original mute
I have faith half, i was just suggesting a way that would ease new players in and ensure that it would a smooth transition.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Plus every one will be spending time with their families and may not have time/want to go play minecraft/vote.
I agree with you kaies I might be gone for a few days.. also.. Am I the only person who likes this idea? I think it will get rid of in-active players.. a problem we have had a while :confused:


Lord of Altera
I do think that hopeful mayors will have to have a hell of a lot of cash in hand. I understand these changes and partially agree with them and can see why they have been implemented but it now makes starting a new town awfully hard.


<3 Hollow World
How exactly MCKing? most people earn far more than this each day anyway, they can offset it entirely by vote (at current levels) just once every 3 days. So at what point does it make it any harder?

If anything it should start booting inactive people from towns, when they return they'll be looking for a home - that's an opportunity.


Lord of Altera
How exactly MCKing? most people earn far more than this each day anyway, they can offset it entirely by vote (at current levels) just once every 3 days. So at what point does it make it any harder?

If anything it should start booting inactive people from towns, when they return they'll be looking for a home - that's an opportunity.
I guess so, the numbers for some mayors just seems incredibly high. However I still see your point.


<3 Hollow World
Mayors don't pay it, the levy taxes on the town which are passed onto the residents so the Mayor only pays their own resident tax essentially. Player accounts will be taxed by Mayors into the town treasury, which is where the money is taken by the upkeep cost, it doesn't come from the Mayors own account.

likewise when you make a town all you need to ensure is that players have the money for a couple of days upkeep, so if anything it'll encourage mayors to ensure players know how to generate funds.


Lord of Altera
I like this idea, brings a new aspect to living-Living without tax is unrealistic :D And instead of taxing Rads-can I give you Cobble? Seriously, I've been donating it to the God Korigon, and even he's fed up with how much I've given him.


I like this idea, brings a new aspect to living-Living without tax is unrealistic :D And instead of taxing Rads-can I give you Cobble? Seriously, I've been donating it to the God Korigon, and even he's fed up with how much I've given him.
Smelt it into bricks and give em to Bob. Bill will give you a kiss for it ;)

Plans are on hold until I figure out a way to make the most amount of people happy + what works well for the server :p
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