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Abandoned Camps (Staff Edit: This is non-existent, slight powergaming)


Lord of Altera
[Right.. I'll do that then. I'll enjoy the manual RP in twelve separate places, as well. I'll have to expose who I am to a few people in order to gather a sufficient party for an actual camp, but I'm rather concerned on telling region owners, well, just who to add. There's a reason I haven't given out any names.]
*looks a at post then the paper shreds... then shake his fist* Damn you forum sniping!... Damn you!
*Proceeds to tape the pieces back together*


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
[Right.. I'll do that then. I'll enjoy the manual RP in twelve separate places, as well. I'll have to expose who I am to a few people in order to gather a sufficient party for an actual camp, but I'm rather concerned on telling region owners, well, just who to add. There's a reason I haven't given out any names.]

Hence the offer to keep confidentiality- I can liason if you'd really like or want mini camps built.


Mountain Bum
Retired Staff
I'm fine with there being a make-believe camp outside Tauredal if you spell the town name correctly in the future ;) I'm sure Readij would be cool with it too.

Really the only issue with the initial thread is that you didn't okay it with any region owners OOCly that camps would spring up outside their territories. Other than that it's a bit of harmless RP set-up via forums. If we're going to start insisting that everything be done in-game then I suppose we can't do any Skype RPs or forum scenarios :p


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
Don't think it's so much that as the expected anonymity, Ced. :p

I couldn't, for example, break into a dungeon over the forums where there's no-one to spot me, identify me, stop me etc.

If it's an intrigue event, it's really only fair that there is some initial risk.

The Rise [?? ???????]

Legend of Altera
[Right; I get it, I'll RP it out IG. The premise of going out there to individually RP setting up about a dozen camps over the continents is just initially massively unappealing. I'll organize a small group to act as either temps or to further their own characters to set up them, too.]


Lord of Altera
Only thing I have with these camps is... That I do have plans for expansion and depending on where the camp your making is located, it will possibly be absorbed. (Not in the near near future)
So , I can claim the plots where you want the camp, I'll add Michcat as an owner to the region and she can add you.

And if your worried I'll check the region list i won't....and if I did I wouldn't make anything out because 3/4 of Altera are added to this region and no one has the time to go through it


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
[Right; I get it, I'll RP it out IG. The premise of going out there to individually RP setting up about a dozen camps over the continents is just initially massively unappealing. I'll organize a small group to act as either temps or to further their own characters to set up them, too.]
Then don't claim to have set up over a dozen camps over the continents :p

I'm fine with there being a make-believe camp outside Tauredal if you spell the town name correctly in the future ;) I'm sure Readij would be cool with it too.

Really the only issue with the initial thread is that you didn't okay it with any region owners OOCly that camps would spring up outside their territories. Other than that it's a bit of harmless RP set-up via forums. If we're going to start insisting that everything be done in-game then I suppose we can't do any Skype RPs or forum scenarios :p
Please read my previous posts detailing how avoiding the potential of getting caught and purposefully promoting this sort of thing without the risk is powergaming. Anything impactful should be a collaborative process and I hope the community can respect that.

The Rise [?? ???????]

Legend of Altera
Right. I've RP'd out this at Azerport. I'll be going around and completing others, but please consider the locations I've wrote in places that I'll create them. On that note, please don't metagame the knowledge so the regions will be scouted out. Also feel free to add camps and such IG if you wish, and PM me on them.
Last edited:

The Rise [?? ???????]

Legend of Altera
RP'd in a good amount of these places. I've still got about three of these to do, but can I ask if the previous posts regarding this be deleted [unless they're relevant] and staff edits?


The Alchemist
Retired Staff
If you wish to do Thiil, please contact me via a private message and we can set something up.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
I've been very busy and will have to find the time to work on confirming this. If you could message me with specific times (And IGN's if more folks then you two were involved), then it would speed up the process very much.
Thank you again for your help in upholding the standards of this community ^^

The Rise [?? ???????]

Legend of Altera
I've been very busy and will have to find the time to work on confirming this. If you could message me with specific times (And IGN's if more folks then you two were involved), then it would speed up the process very much.
Thank you again for your help in upholding the standards of this community ^^
[Righty-o, will do soon as I've sent another conversation ;)]