Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Word of the Sun


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
(( I've been asked to post this, as the perpetrators wish to remain anonymous to prevent metagaming. Rest assured, the kidnapping of and leaving signs of was properly RP'd, although certain details were "timeskipped" for obvious reasons ))

Upon fencing near the Crossroads, against the sign, hangs a man. Elmond Engem.

Hung about his chest is a banner of gold-embroidered stained white cloth, the symbol of Ignis emblazoned upon it. Blood seeps down the man from his face and his feet and his hands, painting a picture of red in the grass and cobbleroad below. A thick blindfold is tied over his eyes, but for naught- as the leftmost eye has been pierced through the blindfold, leaving a gaping hole. Signs of cruel treatment are apparent. He seems to be missing digits from his left hand, and those at the Crossroads would likely soon awaken to quite the chorus of cries for help...

The stained gold and white cloth glints against the rising sun. Scripture hangs emblazoned upon a scroll- a warning which speaks;
"Let this be a warning, to all Uncivilized. Let this man's message and cries for help reflect what shall be brought unto all who do not live under the light of Ignis. Let the marks upon his body and soul be an example of the mercy bestowed unto heretics."

OOC Note: Please take the above information In-Character. Whether this was actually performed by Lavoyard subjects is something to be discovered or assumed or rationalized, but it would be much appreciated if speculation was kept IC :D

Edit: Elmond is alive. Ironassassin will likely be online soon screaming and whatnot.

Relevant folks: @ironassassin (Go ahead and RP, they say), @Valonyx @Goldengem25
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i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Edit: Elmond is alive. Ironassassin will likely be online soon screaming and whatnot.


Lord of Altera
OOC: Last Rose saw him he was alive and well...let's say he was indeed murdered and left at the Crossroad's, then (let's say) he got dragged away to be brought back to life, his body would not be there. Either A. It's a extremly detailed dummy. or b. Illsion Magic.


Lord of Altera
{ " Not burned, it wasn't us" } ( <- IC )

(+Added a few squiggly brackets. And made clear of "ic" thoughts)
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