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Finished [Sanctification] Le Havre de Saint Ignis


Lord of Altera
"Ignis! My land is yours, as we expand ever onward! The realms and Croisades of Le Havre are sanctified to your holy Name, forever and always!''
-Thorius I

In the name of the Sun,the cité of le Havre and in particular the Holy White Cathédrale shall be soon proclaimed Holy Grounds of the Light God, Ignis Synnove. The highest religious authorities of the Lavoyarde kingdom will soon unite once again in a prayer of the highest importance to turn the city into an everlasting, hallowed pilgrimage ground. As the Catacombs hold the tomb of one of the greatest faithfuls, Archbishop Magnus the Old, and several sacred constructions such as the White Cathedral and the Abbey of the Golden Lys stand strong to protect the sacred relics of the Ecclesia, It was deemed that the Capital become the center of all Ignis worship in Altera. So is the will of the King and the Ecclesia, and so shall it be done in absolute faith and loyalty to Lord Ignis.

OOC information:

It depends a lot of availabilities and if this doesn't encroach on anything else, and if enough faithful can be gathered. If everything is okay,
Sunday the 14th in the evening (between 5pm and 8pm eastern time zone.)
If it cannot be done, it can be reported to another day, same hours.

Who?: All citizens of Le Havre are welcome to join in the event, as well as other nobles and religious characters of the Lavoyarde realm.

What?: Sanctification and offering of the Capitale of Le Havre to the greater Lord Ignis Synnove, presided by Magister Thorius du Lavoyard, Inquisitorial Mother Selena Elysium and the Master Conservator.

@Ruukasu Lawliet

Please notice that this is not /private/, but as it is an event only concerning Haven and it's population, i doubt there can be a reason for anyone to care /much/ outside of the Kingdom.

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i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Perhaps Sunday the 14th, as you're holding the interesting war thing on the 12th-13th and the Shoreless business is being held on the 12th.


Lord of Altera
Perhaps Sunday the 14th, as you're holding the interesting war thing on the 12th-13th and the Shoreless business is being held on the 12th.
Seems good to me, I do am aware there's quite a lot of events happening simultaneously!
time will be changed to Sunday the 14th, same hours as before.


Lord of Altera
Sadly, I will not be pushing back this event for the banned individuals, in good part because it is not required to have an extremely large amount of players to achieve it, and it shall be held this evening, in around ETA 7 to 9 hours, depends a lot on the disponibilities of players and possibly an admin able to act as a God/oversee the event.

Shouldn't be an extremely long event, between 20 and 30 minutes.


Lord of Altera
Sadly, I will not be pushing back this event for the banned individuals, in good part because it is not required to have an extremely large amount of players to achieve it, and it shall be held this evening, in around ETA 7 to 9 hours, depends a lot on the disponibilities of players and possibly an admin able to act as a God/oversee the event.

Shouldn't be an extremely long event, between 20 and 30 minutes.
I hope I can make it.