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Finished Birthday Party in Vigils Rest


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Its the birthday of the triplets Elrohir, Helix, and Nausica'a! As they're staying with Naelwyn and Tzemik in Vigils Rest, theres going to be a party~!
Lets celebrate the Ninth birthday party of the little ones :D

Event Type: "Private", if you find out IC you're welcome to show up. The residents of Vigils Rest should be aware!

Date: 16th of September, Tuesday (Tomorrow)
Time: Late-Afternoonish/Evening EST time.

Expect good food, ponies, lake serpents, fun and cake!

( This is really just to help gather the vigils rest residents who would like to show up!)

@Constable Quokka
@SallyPirate (We need Amaryllis to bake a cake(s) ;_; )
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Lord of Altera
Heh, I wonder what would happen if Sybbyl showed up. [She wouldnt, but its an entertaining idea].


Dark Council Elite
aauughhh. I forgot I can't make any time between 1:30 and 4:30 CST today. But any time after such should be good for me, if it is for the others.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
aauughhh. I forgot I can't make any time between 1:30 and 4:30 CST today. But any time after such should be good for me, if it is for the others.
Should be, nael isn't on until that later time

so ETA like three or so hours!