Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Dwarf Blacksmith looking for a home.


Lord of Altera
Hey guys Urist here I'm just stopping by to see if I could find a home, I'm not looking for anything special I just want a safer place to live.


Lord of Altera
As I lightly told you in Teamspeak, Wolfstadt could use a blacksmith as we won't have any upon the opening of the city.

Unfortunately the city is currently not open to roleplay. It will be once we've finished constructing the wall and port, but this, of course, will take time and radiants. So you and I suppose your character would have to wait until that time comes to actually take residence in the city. Wolfstadt welcomes Dwarves, and it is a very pretty city. Still though, you would have to wait for it.


Lord of Altera
Heaven's Reach could also use a Blacksmith :), we have a nice forge in the town that happens to be free.
Or if you prefer colder Regions there is also Winterguard ;)