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Obituary: Princess Violet Navine Beckett Marr Silverian Fuvur...


Lord of Altera
Within the city of Azerport, late in the night, the princess passed.
It is believed she drowned in the harbor, but canon fire was heard out at the docks as well.
Several tried to revive the princess.. But she was beyond saving.

Her body was moved out of the city and the group departed..


As this happened in Azerport, the more connections you have there,
or the closer you are to it in coordination with this occuring about 2 hours ago from the time of this post, the easier it will be for you to know shes dead. You can't know any more information than what was given above : P
As this is the way it would spread, according to rumor travel by the "Citizens" of azerport.

This isn't any form of me spreading this rumor for meta- I just think it would be fun for this to spread this way! :heart:

@Tybalt @blargtheawesome @Michcat @Hadies @Landem @Sankera @ironassassin @Tavros_61251 @Kyle1322 @Deathseal123 @Bungles @Scardrac
Tag more folks you think should see this if you like : P

Ill also be adding depressing art!! : D

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Lord of Altera
Very few people knows exactly what happened.

Ima... Just go over yo his corner here *cri*

(First dang RP that actually made me cry abit in forever)