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Deceased Aracena Mithtanil [Deceased]


The Lurker
Retired Staff

~*~Aracena Mithtanil~*~
Pronunciation: Air - Uh - Seena
-The Mad Librarian-
-Mad One-
-Jishrim's [Once] Chosen-

(Canon Tales: Chipping Away & The Spider Chronicles)

-Status: Very much dead. Buried outside of Thiil-

Gender: Female
Race: Human
Social Status: Jishrim's Once Chosen. Once noble. Once a lot of things.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 1115lbs
Age: Later forties/Early fifties
Date of Birth: Fireday, 15th of Springrise
Date of Death: TBA
Current Home: Thiil

For light, there must be shadow. It is not a mark of shame you bear. Wear it with pride. Be in suffering no longer. Be at peace, and should all the peoples give you pardon for the burden you carry.


Build: Tall and somewhat lanky. Her father always used to say she was all limbs. She's growing increasingly thin and bony.

Hair: Straight blond hair that grows grayer by the day. It is far too long for her taste, as it spills over onto the table when she's reading. She's recently gotten into the habit of absentmindedly braiding sections of it while she reads. As a result, she usually has a small braid somewhere in her hair.

Eyes: Muddy green

Skin: Pale, but freckled. Crows feet at her eyes.

Identifying Marks:
* Aforementioned freckles and a small scar on the back of her left shoulder where a shelf fell on her.
* Black spindly spider Mark emblazoned upon her left hand.
* Some mild wrinkles

Voice: Ysolda from Skyrim


Personality: Quiet and reserved with most. Only at ease with Athryl. Jumpy at times. Prone to mood swings if triggered. Cold and distant with new people and quite difficult to make bonds with. She is at once an entity of fear, sadness, and hate. It is only her family and close few that she will smile with.

Curse Effects: (Lessened) All of these symptoms are the result of a curse that has been placed upon her. Due to Shalherana's intervention, it bothers her somewhat infrequently, but still persists. She sees smoky spiders all around her. They click and skitter everywhere. In everything. People have rainbows in their eyes, no eyes, or just white eyes. She hears people she knows calling her own name. (She does not hear the names of other people, as is for some reason a common assumption...) She hears Jishrim's laughter near constantly. At times, she laughs or sobs inappropriately. She also has a tendency to speak backwards.

Current Disposition: TIRED.

Religion or Cults:
  • Understanding, fear, and echoed loyalty to Jishrim
  • Appreciation of Shalherana's aid and need for balance
  • Fervent dislike of Silas
  • Distant fondness of Visage
  • Foul associations with Theodra
  • Wary of Skraag
  • Respectful of The Grey Lady
  • Little regard for all others.

Alignment: Fluctuates due to her nature. She has done some despicable things and corrupted the minds of the weak. Yet at times known for her goodness and kind heart. Her alignment depends on the state of mind you find her in.

Short Term Goals:
[ ] Get better

Long Term Goals:

[ ] The Madness
[ ] See her boys grow up safe and well
[ ] Thiil
[ ] The end


Clothing: Prefers long dresses. Owns many exquisite gowns. Notable dresses are a few that glitter and glisten in the colors of the rainbow, black gowns with various colors, and a golden and magenta dress.

Weaponry: None

* Illuminated Manuscript (Not currently with her)
* Mask given to her by Draxos and Desarayna. First gift since her arrival.
* A metal quill. Abel called it a "pen". Athryl overheard Aracena talking to Abel about it and he purchased it for her as a gift.
* A golden coin given to her by Eudoxius
* A pair of unremarkable leather gloves bought from the Craftsmen Fair in Thiil to hide her Mark
* Athryl's Engagement Ring - Blue socketed gems rest in the middle of the band.
* Blue leatherbound journal Cloud bought for her
* An ornate, very old heirloom mirror with vine and rose designs on the back (Athryl's mother's)
* A book of psalms
* A silver chained necklace with a large sapphire pendant
* A book written by Athryl about Cena's life
* A gear hung from a grass cord necklace, given to her by Vorar.

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The Lurker
Retired Staff

udimentary Knowledge:

+ Herbs (Mugwort, Thyme, Rosemary, Angelica, Palewort, Parsley)
+ Potion Usage (Invisibility, healing, regeneration, fire resistance, swiftness, and night vision)

Proficient At:
+Shelving, alphabetization, and organizational tasks


+ Loyalty and devotion -- Once she trusts someone, she will do anything for them.
+ Determination -- When in her right mind, she will set her mind to something and see it done.
+ High intelligence -- She has spent years around books, reading and absorbing all she can.

+ Small, enclosed spaces -- Gustav thought it was for the best, at the time.
+ Fires -- A fear from childhood. A painful memory of long ago.
Jishrim -- Her puppet master.
+ Aewin -- Damn good reasons too

+ Her selflessness -- She would rather see herself suffer than those she loves. (Though, lately, she has been exhibiting a willingness to hurt others in order to protect her loved ones.)
+ Children -- Visage, Wulfe, Loup, Allindra. Time and again, she feels the need to care for them, for ill or for bad.
+ The Spider Mark -- A heavy regret in accepting something she did not understand.
+ Indecision -- Often when faced with choices, will usually commit to neither and try to have both.

+ Educated and well read.
+ RP has proven that she does not have the highest amount of common sense......

+ Fluent common
+ Verba: She has picked up a handful of small words from Vhaejek, such as ikben. It is a compliment, meaning 'sweet one' to offer to any nakat. @TurtlePrada
+ Elven: Fluent speaker, though not as practiced in writing.

Profession: Town Overseer

+ Set up shop in Thiil as librarian
+ Fell in love rather suddenly and surprisingly
+ Visited Tauredal
+ Marked by Jishrim
+ Locked in a cage for several days because the townsfolk (*coughGustavAbelEudoxiuscough*) feared what she would do
+ Was told if anyone from house Marr or Lavoyarde saw her Mark, she'd likely be killed for it. She's a tiny bit terrified now.
+ Agreed to help Salheira find information about what happened to her daughter, Melosa.
+ Someone got engaged!
+ Athryl failed to summon Silas. She has nearly lost all faith. She is more confused and upset than she has ever been.
+ Spoke to Silas and learned he could not remove her Mark. She is in a downward spiral.
+ Pregnancy confirmed
+ Responsible for a young girl also being Marked.
+ Got hitched
+ Met Vlad..
+ Fully succumbed to her madness; is now puppet
+ Made another deal
+ [Visage] removed her Mark
+ Oh, the Mark is back
+ Was brought two 'orphaned' children.
+ Gave birth to twin boys, Ahab and Cael
+ Died trying to save Allindra Rhett
+ Completed her pact with Jishrim
- One way or another....
+ Hosted Time Capsule event
+ She understands
+ He's.... gone. Athryl is gone.
+ The cliff
+ Killed the slaver
+ Abandoned her family
+ She is... chosen?
Moved back into her home
+ Vlad left Dusk Port to her
+ The Cake and the Storyteller (Or how Aracena moved out again)
Was approached about Jishrim worship by Rose
+ Chaos and the Tree
Left Dusk Port to ruin
+ Announced Mithtanil as a noble family
+ Began work on Eriden
+ Athryl disappeared
+ Learned of Logan's death and his shrine
+ Met Raindes
+ Relapsed after a confrontation with Thordil
+ Shut herself in her house, rarely leaving.
+ Athryl returns!
Rededication of Thiil and coming face to face with a lady of the Inquisition
+ Cena leaves for some travels with a few posters in her possession.
+ The past comes back.
+ Vorar comes to her with talk of hypnosis. Gives her a gear as a focal point. Enough hope that her original poster plan is abandoned.
+ Grew gravely ill, a severe case of pneumonia nearly ending her life.
+ Athryl managed to ease her from death's doorstep.

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The Lurker
Retired Staff

Loved: Ahab, Cael, Dawn Blackfire, Athryl, Jishrim
@Soccernut13 @TurtlePrada @Elz @IceandFire


@The Living Ghost

Grateful To: Vlad, Vevila
@Sir Andrew Wallins, @Sizzix3507


Interested In: Vorar

: Daisy, Erik, Ioswen, Telmathyn
@Raykaystar @BoredBrit Ioswen Chip

Unsure of: Aethelsa, Nylarii, Syra, The New Librarian
@ApothecaryFairy @Elz @Elz @Sir Saltington

Wary of: The rest of them, Jishrim, Artesia, Aewin, His Bishop
@nexscarecrow @Lannis @blargtheawesome

Disliked: Rose, Thordil, Tzemik
@Firegirl @Jasper151627237 @Michcat

Hated: Jishrim


Athryl: You have been by my side since the beginning. You have tolerated more than any man should have to. You have been my anchor to this world and without you, I genuinely fear what I would have become. You bore the curse alongside me. You bore the torment and agony of madness just as much as I did. Perhaps soon you'll find a peace of mind and teach our sons the meaning of tranquility.

Ahab & Cael: I am not the mother you needed. I subjected you to so much and even spoke words that a child should never hear come from a parent's mouth. I do love both of you. More than I think I can ever say. I know, despite the environment you were raised in, you will both grow up to be outstanding young men. Be sure to keep your father in line, yeah?

Jishrim: I once asked You, "Why must the madness return?" I've puzzled over Your answer for many years since, the words still fresh as the day You spoke them in that strange place. You said, "To remind them of Us." A lot has changed since then. I grew to hate the people in this mortal world. I hated them all so strongly because of what You made me into. But now You've gone quiet. I no longer feel Your influence and it feels as if You've left me entirely. It was something that I wanted for so long... And now that I have some semblance of peace... Why am I doing what I'm doing? I fear You are all I know at this point. Despite everything, all the hate and fear I have for you, I am still... Your servant until my end. And then I will perhaps find a true escape.

Dawn: You would have been so much better off had you gone with your mother. I am so sorry Dawn.

Cloud: A good friend you've been. The only person to never tell me how broken I was. Your visits just felt... normal. A wonderful gift, in and of itself.

Argan: You remind me of simple times. You're quite young yet, but perhaps you can be a good friend to my sons.

Vlad: I never knew that you died for me until it was far too late. Rest in peace, and thank you.

Vevila: I owe you a great deal, Vevila. You took a chance. You took a risk. I am wildly in your debt.

Aewin: May my sons never cross your path. May your Sophie bear that Mark forever and may I never run into you again.

Nylarii: I don't know what we are now. But I no longer find a hate for you. That has dulled and gone. We have... a complicated history, but I think it's something I've been able to put aside.

Artesia: You're gone. I've no idea where to, but you've disappeared. I am... Unsure if I am glad of this or not.

Rose- You will either understand what Jishrim is, or you will die in ignorance. I do not look fondly upon your for your naivete. You call yourself His priestess and yet you strive to preach peace in His name. Maybe you'll learn one day. Though... It will be a sad occassion when you do.
Thordil- You remind me so much of the people in the past. Your words have been spoken to me ten times over by others, each of them proceeding to hurt me in some way or another. If I do not take kindly to your meddling, it is because I have a sense of self-preservation. I refuse to be someone's project again.

Tzemik- Abrasive in the past but............ Damn woman.

"Farewell, Alchemist."
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The Lurker
Retired Staff

Artwork much. Artwork many. Out of control. So I've spoilered it all to keep it contained.
@bettemus99 - This lovely image of Athryl and Aracena under a tree!

@bettemus99 Eeeeeee!

Niah Cena.jpg

@Elz - Aracena on the right, my other character Niah on the left. Spooky spider! :D

@Elz - OH MY GOD it's so cute and grumpy! :D :D

@Sizzix3507 OHMYGOD the cute

party cena.jpg
@nexscarecrow did a cute thing that I forgot to add to theprofile! Yessss.


@Omikuji Cena had been visited by Jishrim again and was having a rough day. Kopii came and cheered her up. :3 Wonderful art by the fantastic Omikuji!

@Omikuji - Drew another great one of Kopii and Aracena bonding! :3

@Omikuji Another Omi masterpiece!


@Gaby - Dat Jishrim Curse. Gaby got it so perfectly!

Forest Aracena.png
@ForestRose - OHMYGOD! :D Such an awesome surprise!

@Cukie1 - What a fantastic surprise! :D :D Thank you!

@solus - Yet another Aracena and Athryl picture. Sogud! Why can't I art?

Blond Aracena.jpg
This was the original reference image for Aracena. I removed it a long time ago because there was something a little sinister about her facial expression. At the time, I was like, "She's too nice and kind." So I removed it. Well.... I think it's fitting to bring it back. xD
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Legend of Altera
The clear solution is to force you to live in a pit of spiders. That way, the Jishrim ones will look like nothing at all.


Lord of Altera
In-Game Tech Staff
He/Him, They/Them
Oh my, how did I forget this

*Lé sit* I really enjoy it here


The Lurker
Retired Staff
Updates: Arranged some goals, added a mushy song from the crazy girl, tinkered with relations, and changed some colors around. Also small blurb in personality now.
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The Lurker
Retired Staff
Added a new skin that I'll be switching between. Also a doll that I made to represent the fine dress that Maloki Viola made for her- @DarkWolf

Gotta represent with those Silas colors.