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Port Silver Ruins - Twitching Bushes

The Rise [?? ???????]

Legend of Altera
Around the ruins of old Port Silver, bushes seem to twitch and the winds seem to hide whispers. Nothing out of the ordinary outwardly happens, but salvagers and unholy pilgrims alike notice something's off.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)

Edit: And then people realize Port Silver does, in fact, have occasional breezes that disturbs the flora, and normal people don't hear whispers on the wind.

Seriously though guys, this is getting kinda ridiculous.
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i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
Oh welp, just trying to say something generally feels off about the place (more so than usual).
You know you can achieve that by roleplaying sketchy things in the area, right? :p
Actually, on that. Have you two even implemented anything ingame, or is this another case of powergaming? As a staff member, I am not comfortable at all with your approach in this initiative.


So. Since I am notified via forums and not in-game roleplay, my character checks out the bushes. What is there? Bushes don't have a hollow interior, so things can't really remain hidden inside of them..


Lord of Altera
Well if it was that easy to make demonic entities, do you really think it would take me this long to make a possessed character?... Now, @The Rise [?? ???????], I do not know you personally but you kind if taking the p***... Unless you are out in port silver making wind noises, there is no reason to post this when there is a rumors thread....
Sorry but its this kind of stuff that makes people not want Daemonic entities...


Retired Staff
No, we don't want daemonic entities because we had them before and they made RP not fun for anyone who wasn't one of them.

The Rise [?? ???????]

Legend of Altera
Eh, this is sort of an overreaction from people for me just trying to say something's off >_< I'm not saying things are literally twitching, but I'm saying that in general something seems off. What's the deal with people collapsing on a vague description of nature..?


Retired Staff
It's because you can't claim how things are unless you've directly RPed them becoming that way. Nature is not sapient and won't just start rustling it up and feeling "off" unless there's a very real reason that people can discover.


Lord of Altera
Eh, this is sort of an overreaction from people for me just trying to say something's off >_< I'm not saying things are literally twitching, but I'm saying that in general something seems off. What's the deal with people collapsing on a vague description of nature..?
This was a given... And there is a rumors thread

The Rise [?? ???????]

Legend of Altera
If you guys are genuinely ticked off at something like this, I could rephrase it in fifty other ways. I have been RPing out literally everything prior this. ._.