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Port Silver Ruins - Twitching Bushes


Lord of Altera
Well if it was that easy to make demonic entities, do you really think it would take me this long to make a possessed character?... Now, @The Rise [?? ???????], I do not know you personally but you kind if taking the p***... Unless you are out in port silver making wind noises, there is no reason to post this when there is a rumors thread....
Sorry but its this kind of stuff that makes people not want Daemonic entities...
this thread is a

What's the point in being so rude, guys? Sos, keep your ignorance out of the conversation, you can't speak for everyone saying "nobody wants stupid demons cause of stupid things like this." Gaby, is that picture really relevant? Arguments like these are so disheartening. Just let the guy try to strike some interesting roleplay, and if it doesn't work out, then it doesn't work out. There's no need for all this childish backlash that results in pointless bickering.


Lord of Altera
What's the point in being so rude, guys? Sos, keep your ignorance out of the conversation, you can't speak for everyone saying "nobody wants stupid demons cause of stupid things like this." Gaby, is that picture really relevant? Arguments like these are so disheartening. Just let the guy try to strike some interesting roleplay, and if it doesn't work out, then it doesn't work out. There's no need for all this childish backlash that results in pointless bickering.
... but i want daemonic beings... but its all for nothing if not done right (this doesn't mean i know everything and he knows nothing- in fact ill grab him at some point *sticky note*) but people's fear is doing then wrong or poorly... now rise has the right idea, if not a tad brash. @The Rise [?? ???????] does have good idea that peak my interest but throws it out into threads that only a select number will see...

True daemonic entities test sanity, leave questions as minds try to figure out the logic that it works with- this is why they are brilliant villains.../rerail- and @The Rise [?? ???????] is barking up the right tree if not using the wrong technique to get those pesky RP ideas...

on my phone i do come off as quite aggressive, and it is a rather human flaw that i will tend to but this is my full opinion : like the ideas but needs a leash and possibly tracking down whoever has perms/ bugging @Michcat ..


Dark Council Elite
isn't Port Silver a wasteland, polluted by the remains of basically Altera's greatest enemy?

of course it feels off

how is this any different


Lord of Altera
... but i want daemonic beings... but its all for nothing if not done right (this doesn't mean i know everything and he knows nothing- in fact ill grab him at some point *sticky note*) but people's fear is doing then wrong or poorly... now rise has the right idea, if not a tad brash. @The Rise [?? ???????] does have good idea that peak my interest but throws it out into threads that only a select number will see...

True daemonic entities test sanity, leave questions as minds try to figure out the logic that it works with- this is why they are brilliant villains.../rerail- and @The Rise [?? ???????] is barking up the right tree if not using the wrong technique to get those pesky RP ideas...

on my phone i do come off as quite aggressive, and it is a rather human flaw that i will tend to but this is my full opinion : like the ideas but needs a leash and possibly tracking down whoever has perms/ bugging @Michcat ..
Something tells me.... That the guy isn't writing about demonic beings...

The Rise [?? ???????]

Legend of Altera
Oh good god in heaven, people are still on this -_- I'll spell it out: if you're not a visitor of Port Silver, you have no reason to care. If you are, there is something vague about the ruins which is strange. Yes, it's a firey hell, but something is more off. I'm not saying what, and I can't care less about anything beyond what I was required to do; which was make this vague thread. I actually have no idea how such a small and vague literary description has managed to make near enough a dozen people collapse onto a thread >_>

If you want something to direct anger at, do it somewhere else. A lot of people on the server are having genuine problems that need attention and the fact this is what people complain about seems to fulfil some vague idea of righting a wrong.

I mean, oh god, there's literally a page and a half on how bushes don't twitch. Can people just ~not care~, let what might be interesting RP happen and direct criticism towards actual issues, not something which is literally a two sentence good-sportsmanship to anyone who lives here?


Lord of Altera
Oh good god in heaven, people are still on this -_- I'll spell it out: if you're not a visitor of Port Silver, you have no reason to care. If you are, there is something vague about the ruins which is strange. Yes, it's a firey hell, but something is more off. I'm not saying what, and I can't care less about anything beyond what I was required to do; which was make this vague thread. I actually have no idea how such a small and vague literary description has managed to make near enough a dozen people collapse onto a thread >_>

If you want something to direct anger at, do it somewhere else. A lot of people on the server are having genuine problems that need attention and the fact this is what people complain about seems to fulfil some vague idea of righting a wrong.

I mean, oh god, there's literally a page and a half on how bushes don't twitch. Can people just ~not care~, let what might be interesting RP happen and direct criticism towards actual issues, not something which is literally a two sentence good-sportsmanship to anyone who lives here?
So everyone in Lavoyard, who visit the cathedral 24/7, would notice the same thing? K. Sure. Go with it. *that's a joke.*


Lord of Altera
Oh good god in heaven, people are still on this -_- I'll spell it out: if you're not a visitor of Port Silver, you have no reason to care. If you are, there is something vague about the ruins which is strange. Yes, it's a firey hell, but something is more off. I'm not saying what, and I can't care less about anything beyond what I was required to do; which was make this vague thread. I actually have no idea how such a small and vague literary description has managed to make near enough a dozen people collapse onto a thread >_>

If you want something to direct anger at, do it somewhere else. A lot of people on the server are having genuine problems that need attention and the fact this is what people complain about seems to fulfil some vague idea of righting a wrong.

I mean, oh god, there's literally a page and a half on how bushes don't twitch. Can people just ~not care~, let what might be interesting RP happen and direct criticism towards actual issues, not something which is literally a two sentence good-sportsmanship to anyone who lives here?
I'm sure it's mostly down to how it was done, it should've been posted in the rumors thread.

Why do people care that it wasn't posted in the rumors thread?
Because the Rumor thread is for rumors, and this thread was started with something so miniscule and vague that it really is just a rumor. There's nothing to go off of it, players wont find anything if they go to investigate (Which is a shame) and no one will really notice anything out of the ordinary like the thread implies.

Basically, people got angry because they were disappointed.

In my personal opinion, I would've preferred more detail in the main post.. at least something vaguely implying what was happening, like broken items scattered at a spot, a patch of blood, a strange hole.. anything to actually go ingame to look at would've been fun..


Lord of Altera
What's the point in being so rude, guys? Sos, keep your ignorance out of the conversation, you can't speak for everyone saying "nobody wants stupid demons cause of stupid things like this." Gaby, is that picture really relevant? Arguments like these are so disheartening. Just let the guy try to strike some interesting roleplay, and if it doesn't work out, then it doesn't work out. There's no need for all this childish backlash that results in pointless bickering.
the intention was not to be rude.

threads can be trainwrecks for lots of reasons, not just because of what the OP says.
<.< and I was using it in a lighthearted manner, to joke about the general awkwardness of the situation. you know, provoke a reaction of "haha, yeah this really is a bit of a wreck, isn't it" rather than "excuse you?" or "sorry I ruined everything"

I never ever ever ever want to be rude, and I would certainly never want to openly insult someone on their ideas!

@The Rise [?? ???????] it's ok, and it's going to be ok.