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Hamartia or Fatal Flaw


Lord of Altera
Hamartia means fatal flaw. A flaw that a character (or a person for that matter) has which will lead to his own death.
For example a character that puts honor above everything else might not kill a child or a woman who might inform on him to his enemies. By that his fatal flaw just sealed his fate.

I know that when creating a new character one of the things you want to consider is to make a realistic and unique character.
When I create a new character one of the first things I think about, even before the name of it is the fatal flaw. I let the fatal flaw define the characters and I rp knowing that when this flaw will come into play, my character will most likely die.

I thought it would be fun to discuss about all the fatal flaws of the characters of Altera.
For example, Arstan the Merchant/Slaver valued money above everything else, even power. He would often do ridicules, crazy things just do keep his wealth or gain it. And trust me, he died a lot.


Lord of Altera
Hamartia means fatal flaw. A flaw that a character (or a person for that matter) has which will lead to his own death.
For example a character that puts honor above everything else might not kill a child or a woman who might inform on him to his enemies. By that his fatal flaw just sealed his fate.

I know that when creating a new character one of the things you want to consider is to make a realistic and unique character.
When I create a new character one of the first things I think about, even before the name of it is the fatal flaw. I let the fatal flaw define the characters and I rp knowing that when this flaw will come into play, my character will most likely die.

I thought it would be fun to discuss about all the fatal flaws of the characters of Altera.
For example, Arstan the Merchant/Slaver valued money above everything else, even power. He would often do ridicules, crazy things just do keep his wealth or gain it. And trust me, he died a lot.
And durin will miss him
Rip durin


Lord of Altera
Vlad's not extremely crazy, but he'll follow Jishrim everywhere, even when all people he values turn on him and hunt him. This may largely be because of a blessing Jishrim has given Vlad, but also many other.. things. Vlad's a bonny lad though, so he hadn't died yet, thanks to him knowing when to hold his tongue and leave with haste, or mere luck. Or Jishrim teleporting him to safety.


Lord of Altera
Salheira has died twice now from going up to a dangerous person and saying "im not afraid of you." That's also basically the only reason she ever ends up in danger. Not being scared.
The moral of the story is, bravery kills.

Serella has a lot of weaknesses, most notably her inability to express herself but who knows if thatll ever be a fatal flaw.

Viktor? He's lazy, and off-putting. Thats his issue.


Lord of Altera
Juno's fatal flaw is that she can be easily broken mentally (but then again she hasn't had the best life)

Corva's fatal flaw was her putting family above everything else, so when she couldn't find them, she did some strange things

Carlotta's fatal flaw was her obsessive love for Azoth, which drew her to suicide when he broke up with her

Nephele's fatal flaw is her inability to understand or feel true emotions, which may eventually lead to her making a fatal mistake

Autumn's fatal flaw is her inexperience and stubbornness, but this isnt really on the same scale as my other chars as she is rather well rounded


Lord of Altera
Fox's fatal flaw would that he will do absolutely anything for his heretical goddess, including poison himself.
Pennies fatal flaw would be the fact that shecannot pick up on hints dropped in conversation, So if someone were to drop major hints about killing her, she wouldn't pick up on them unless the person just said "I'm going to murder you"


Kid Charlemagne
Retired Owner
I think that Josef's hamartia is his internal drive to deceive and manipulate people. One day, the people in his life are going to realize just how much of their relations they have with him has been built on lies. This is my best guess to which of his flaws will destroy him, he has many, but I do believe it is this one that will end him for good.


Lord of Altera
aldis fatal flaws-
she doesnt want to hurt anyone ever, nor would she be able to.
shes too trusting, naive, shes not strong or anything-
she's not good at... much of anything, but she sticks to her morals, and that's gotten her in trouble many a time c;

and tillys just really really stupid, basically.


Dark Council Elite
Archaeus's could potentially be his faith. Or, refusal to... properly respect and conceive how powerful the Pantheon gods are.
Eudoxius's fatal flaw would probably have to be his tendency to fall for people easily.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
... Hm

The Sneakery's hamartia will more then likely end up being either her rationality or determination. Its only going to be so long before she begins prioritizing the wrong values... and then endlessly pursuing those wrong things.
If it was't either of those, it'd be her paranoia. Girl needs to chill out, seriously!

Azrais fatal flaw is pr'olly gonna end up being her curiousity. A deaf ranger has no place trying to explore, and she's far too naive to accept that the world is dangerous.

Tzemiks is pretty obvious. She's a total grumpmeister- rude, inconsiderate, selfish, and just downright mean sometimes. Its a wonder anyone still likes the nakat, shes as grouchy as they come :p

Iemien doesn't have a very interesting or exciting life at the moment, although if things got more hopping her independent streak would probably show. Its her stubbornness thats whats gonna get the best of her.


Lord of Altera

For Azuran, it's probably his anger. At most times, it causes him to do...not-so-smart things. I mean, he's almost hurt his brother whom he adores when he was mad once, and harmed the Lord whom he serves.

For Logan, it'll be the care that he has for everyone, I think. He doesn't want to see any of his friends get hurt, even if it means he'll get hurt trying to keep them safe.

Audric's flaw would most likely be the fact that he's just rather...uncaring. From Eminu, Icecloak, and Grey, he's gotten to a point where no one really scares him. Not that he doesn't see the danger in what he may say or do, it's simply that he realizes that the world he lives in is dangerous, and he'll probably get stabbed in the face eventually. :p